View Full Version : Week 9 War Journal

2003-04-21, 08:00 PM
Sporkfire has just released Week 9's PlanetSide War Journal. Here's a clip: Over the last few play sessions I have worked with a regular group of teammates. Our Commander understands the need for organization and has come to trust me as an effective soldier. As an AMS driver and Advanced Hacker, I fill an important niche within his squad. I contacted him one evening, and he informed me that our goal was to loosen the Vanu Sovereignty's grip on the continent of Amerish. This would not be an easy mission. We had to be sure that our squad was balanced and prepared for a wide range of contingencies.You can find the rest of the War Journal here (http://planetside.station.sony.com/news_story.jsp?story=55335).

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