View Full Version : Empire Strike Abilities

2011-02-19, 06:00 AM

Empire-specific command ability
Originally posted here: http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?p=561236#post561236
Common Pool (all): Orbital Strike
TR: Air Strike (stealthed, thundering and decloaking upon destination)
NC: Barrage Strike (a two-stage pounding of rapid artillery)
VS: Covert/Psionic Strike (psionic-attack payload, elongated, silent and deadly)All have Orbital Strike unless an orbital warfare expansion changes that, and all will have their own Strike command ability too. (all:2)
The empire who takes a key location may temporarily possess that enemy's Strike ability. e.g. NC take a VS key location. VS lose their Covert/Psionic Strike ability. NC commanders are now able to decidedly use Covert/Psionic Strike or their own Barrage Strike as well as their Orbital Strike. (VS:1)-(NC:2)-(TR:2)

2011-02-19, 09:37 AM
What exactly is the point of this besides diversity for the sake of diversity?

2011-02-19, 09:52 AM
Expanding on the empire-specific traditions of PlanetSide into command abilities, which is also partly and blindly expecting command in the next PlanetSide game to be entirely different.

This is a new game! :rock:
This is war! :flamemad:

2011-02-19, 10:42 AM
Is the NC orbital strike going to be OP, the TR orbital strike average and the Vs orbital UP?