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Old 2011-01-25, 02:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Re: PlanetSide Next Galaxy

It looks horrible, I don't know how anyone can be excited. UT04 looked better than that and it's like a 7 year old game now. The Poly count looks about the same as Planetside, the only difference is it has a shine to make it look more metalic. The textures are all smudged and I can even see jaggies.....

I was a massive fan of Planetside back in 2003, it blew me away. No wonder why SOE hasn't said anything about this game and are launching it in March. Normally when games don't get any news or media coverage it's because it is a small project and they aren't pouring much money into it and it shows.

It just saddens me that Planetside will get this treatment. Though it is SOE... they've ruined all their good games and released aload of shit ones of the years. They have pissed off their entire fanbase but the fanbois and still haven't learnt.

Had enough this is me out, what a joke.

I showed that to 3 of my mates now who played Planetside with me and before I even said anything, they just laughed so much at how dated it looks. People don't play Planetside because it looks dated, the reason why you fans aren't having fun with Planetside is cause there is no one playing. So what did SOE have to do? Really just make Planetside on a new engine with up to date graphics. Maybe even give it a nice art style like TF2 or something so it doesn't age so badly and they wouldn't need to have as modern graphics. Instead they've showbn two bland models that I could design better which look 8 years old....

Fucking hell

Last edited by EVILoHOMER; 2011-01-25 at 02:25 PM.
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