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Thread: Gaming Theory
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Old 2011-03-15, 06:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
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Re: Gaming Theory

The way I figure it, it's a game, sure you're out to "win" it in some fashion...but it's not serious business. Treating it as such removes part of the enjoyment.

To sort of go off the main topic: It's like pro sports or college sports, I have fun watching someone catch the uncatchable touchdown...but I don't want to play a pickup game against them.
Just like watching an expert dominate in Marvel vs. Capcom is sweet but it's fucking boring to play against them and even more boring to go though the real work required to compete with them.

Games with large disparity between the power gamers people with high general gaming ability (which I would consider myself one of) really turn me off. Especially if they're the kind that like to categorize themselves as simply superior...instead of people that just have more time on their hands. Which is really what it is to be that "elite" gamer dood you've got to devote all this time to finagling game mechanics in ways they weren't necessarily supposed to work. (I'm looking at you Smash-Bros Melee, once people started timing the frames to execute moves the wacky enjoyment died)

To pick the sports analogy up again. Have you ever played recreational softball? Great fun. Until the team full of ex-college-baseball players shows up. Even if you've got an athletic team it removes the enjoyment. To compete you'd have to have years more of practice. The whole point is it's a convenient couple hour diversion when you start meta-gaming it the original point just flies out the window.

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.
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