PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - How much emphases should empire theme have?(e.g TR=Rapidfire,NC=Power,VS=tech)
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Old 2011-07-24, 12:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #35
First Sergeant
Re: How much emphases should empire theme have?(e.g TR=Rapidfire,NC=Power,VS=tech)

liek said above, the problem witht he prowler and tr vehics in gen, is it required more manpower, for little return.if i have a three person tank it should be outright more powerful in some manner then the two man. sure it gave me a chain gun, but it was of minor use.

i think the themes shoudl be there and they shoudl be there in force, and i think the max suit designs they released illistrait what i mean.

the tr clearly have the most stable form of resource, being the branch of the orginal empire they have quality built designs, their weapons were not built for effiency they were built for sheer overwhelment. that should stay, the idea more is better worked.

the nc suit looks much rougher, almost liek a prototype. its show a newer force rtying to adapt the best they can with very limited resources. the ever scrap of metal is as importent as gold metality works. slow fireing, highly accurate weapons should be the hallmark of a rebel group whos resources are not so great.

the vs suit looks stright futuristic battle bot gundam thing. it screams that they are advanced, the mentality that though sheer power they will preveil, because we have the most technalogicaly advanced weaponary we cannot lose. their versitility gave them the idea. we dont need to use two types of ammo, when we can make the one do the same.

i think the tr shopuld keep high RoF, but give them it in bulk, not just chain guns. give their launches multi fire rockets, make their tech all out offencive.

the nc should keep the slower fire high dmg weapon, but dont corn hole them with shot guns. heavy rifles of high caliber would work too. they should favor defence more then offence, needing to protect their valuable resources. slower vehicles, but more armored.

the vanu should be like a swarm. the energy weapons shoudl either be beam like, slow rof but high return on dmg and accuracy. or very quick but light dmg. the best might be liek what they did with the lasher. a unique type of fire. now im not saying make more lashers. but giving them guns with way of deliving their dmg other then direct lien would be fun. their vehicles would be the epitome of adabtability, liek their hover craft, terrian should restrict them the least, doign so sacrifices both weapon arrays and armor, but their tanks should be able to reach places faster or that others cant, giving them the benifit of positioning, combined with a uniqe weapon system their key feature wont be ammo switching, but attacking from postions other have a hard time defeneding against, or a hard time attacking.
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