PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Colorblindness: a response to T-Ray's Massively interview
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Old 2011-10-02, 05:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
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Re: Colorblindness: a response to T-Ray's Massively interview

Originally Posted by T-Ray View Post
AAANND he gets it

What i am referring to is a subset of a subset of an even smaller subset. The assumptions are very generous in my opinion
Math Critique:

Ah, but the male population of PS2 will also be a subset of a subset etc.

So you need to consider the final ratio of color-blind players (of both genders) of your player base. I doubt it'll be 10%, true, but it might be higher than 5%.

Even so, given that you don't have a "green" empire, and the care taken with silhouettes, I don't foresee colorblindness being that much of an issue.

I certainly didn't hear an objections on that front to the color palate of PS1. I suspect that right there is going to be the biggest indicator.

You might want to have a tech support minion search your PS1 support requests for anything relevant, but other than that, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

PS: Thanks for answering all my questions.

Last edited by NapalmEnima; 2011-10-02 at 05:12 PM.
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