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Old 2012-01-06, 05:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
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Re: SOE Event Planning: Suggestions wanted!

Originally Posted by Danicia View Post
Greetings all!

1. Have you been to one of our events before? If so, what did you like about it? What did you dislike?


2. If you haven't, what sorts of panels & activities would bring you to Vegas to hob nob with our Planetside 2 team & other players/fans?

1.) travel and accomodation expenses reimbursement of some kind
2.) Q&A panel with the devs
3.) Planetside special events, both live (airsoft/paintball?) and in game.
4.) end of event contest to have the ability to ask ONE question that the devs MUST answer (NDA waived - pre-approved by SOE of course), OR, the opportunity for a 'day with the devs at the office'


A live-feed stream that I could pay a flat amount for - Id say 5 dollars - 10 dollars a day for full access that day. Can also be purchased retro-actively to view previous days (for those who work and such).... With swag attached for those who buy the whole event.

3. Any other suggestions?

I am a sucker for swag, and I would LOVE to see some small trinkets and baubles, like Higby and T-ray bobble heads, along side Empire bumper stickers. Id be on that shit like a dragon his hoard.

Regarding other conventions:

1. Do you attend PAX East in Boston or PAX Prime in Seattle? If we didn't exhibit, but had other ways of showing the game at either, what sorts of things would you like to experience regarding Planetside 2?

I haven't in the past, but I travel regularly enough to Boston that if PS2 made a SHOWING, then I would pay the entry fee and go. I would want a full hands on experience if I was going to drive that far, or at the very least, the ability to video conference with the team, and see some exclusive content. Also, swag. Moar Swag.

2. Do you attend ComicCon? Dragon*Con? Games-Com Cologne? What would draw you to attend these events if Planetside 2 was involved?

A new role playing system or table-top game (i.e. warhammer-esque) based on planetside

I want to make a special note regarding non-SOE events. Don't look too much into these, as we cannot promise we'll be involved at all. Think of it as an informal poll so I can write up some things.

My answers in BLUE!

Last edited by CidHighwind; 2012-01-06 at 05:32 PM.
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