PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Inventory and Resupply (Dropping Ammo)
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Old 2012-03-10, 07:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #46
Bobby Shaftoe
Staff Sergeant
Re: Inventory and Resupply (Dropping Ammo)

Just as an aside to this...

Planetside is one of few FPSs where you really interact with your surroundings in beyond just a tactical sense.

BF/MW all you really do is run around, get a good position/cover, fire, move on etc etc.
The only things you interact with are dropped kits and "The Objective".

In Planetside you've got all the various forms of CE (hackable and otherwise) and base turrets for outside and then indoor/tower fights you've got equip terms, vehicle terms, med terms, doors, main consoles, generators, spawns, painfields, modules and of course backpacks. Many of these objects have real tactical value beyond just their use for your side, eg kill the vterm on a cont that an enemy is trying to open and you've just put a major dent in their early logistics support and might even kick them back off the cont.

I just get the feeling that this sort of 'deeper' level play that is commonplace in the original PS is going to be 'streamlined' in PS2 into "The Objective(s)", I just feel it's a natural progression from a starting point of dropping ammo/removing inventories.
I'd love for someone to point out information that this is wrong but I've just got this nagging feeling that this is whats happening.
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