PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - News: New Conglomerate Medic Screenshots and Medic Comm-Link
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Old 2012-03-14, 02:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
Revanant's Avatar
Re: New Conglomerate Medic Screenshots and Medic Comm-Link

As someone who plans to play an NC medic in PS2, I have only this to say:

Thank you for giving us a version of NC armor that doesn't stand out.

The TR have a great color scheme, in my mind, because it looks realistic and doesn't have loud colors.

This version of NC armor evens the playing field--while there is a bit of distinctive yellow, this is overall a fairly subdued color scheme.

I greatly appreciate the fact that I will have armor options that don't make me a bullet magnet or foil any attempt at inconspicuousness.

In short, thank you for giving me something I would consider wearing if I were actually going to war.



For all of you complaining that the armor doesn't have enough color, or needs more blue, or is just plain ugly, please feel free to color your armor as brightly you like.

Just don't expect this medic to be standing near you when you get shot .
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