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Old 2012-04-01, 02:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Staff Sergeant
Re: Super Heavy Battle Tanks

Originally Posted by Stardouser View Post
Good point...if we actually did have naval combat, it is going to be all small boats and no battleships or anything because of the inevitable BFR comparisons?
The difference between a Battle Shi pand BFR.. especialyl with PS 2.. is that a battle ship could be borded and the crew attacked. BFR's didn't allow for situations like this. Having large boats is an entirely different thing. Haven't super massive land vehicles would be jsut as fine if they requried a crew and coult be sabotaged/boarded and stuff. I think it woudl be very interesting, if there was a way of limiting them so there weren't 50 of them at a time.

I nfact... things like this may be exactly what clans can have and hold. Large, team oriented vehicles designed to be fantastic at battle supremacy and support, but vulnerable to attack from forces that can get to it if they aren't protected by defenders. Heavy Resource costs, high reward, high risk from raiding parties (sort of like a base).
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