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Old 2012-04-10, 06:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Re: Some Info about Items from the Shop

it was already known, but this is the clearest and most detailed clarification on the non subscription part.

no space for misinterpretations here. no cryptic maybes, just pure facts. and the cash shop seems to work exactly like the community has asked for!
when smed first talked to us about the cash shop, he was still talking about some sidegrades being cash only.(about a year ago, think it was mostly smed or smed and higby)
a lot of us didn´t want ANY gamechanging sidegrades to be cash exclusive because playstyle changes are considered selling power, even if they are tradeoffs. this uproar was heard and now we got a shopmodel confirmed, that has the best of both worlds.

i am fine with anything buyable for real money, as long as there is a method of getting it via gameplay. and cosmetical stuff being cash only, is right, too.
so basicaly all you can buy for real money is time. you skip the need to play for ressources and can get your stuff faster. but that doesn´t make you more powerful in a 1 on 1 and the freeplayer can get the exact same setup, only a little later.

if they keep this system as it is now, this is the best and fairest cash shop system i have seen so far! (haven´t played LoL)

a 15$ sub should give you 15$ station cash monthly and some other random bonus.
it should give a little more than just spending the same amount on the shop without sub, because a sub means you are paying every month. this should be rewarded to lure people in. if it gives you less than spending the same amount of money directly in the store, people might think it isn´t worth a shit and would prefer to spend money on their liking. resulting in unregular payments. reliable subscription income is always good, because people don´t unsubscribe if they cannot play for some weeks, but without a sub the income will die on such events.

unlocking everything to subscribers in contraproductive because it limits the possible income from subscribers. with a "get 15sc for 15$" model subscribers can still spend some more money if they want to.
***********************official bittervet*********************

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