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Old 2012-04-13, 12:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Skitrel's Avatar
Re: Planetside Reddit

To put what bullet said in perspective, here's a graph showing Planetside trends since google insight began in 2004.

As you can see, interest was at it's peak back then and current interest is nowhere near what it was at it's highest (on record) of the original, and that interest needs to be MUCH higher than it previously was to make the game a success.

The label G on the above graph is the announcement of the game last year. The label E is GDC release. The label C is reddit's AMA.

I've got this cooked up for another thread though, just waiting a couple more days for a new data cycle so it's a little more accurate to recent events, particularly interested in gauging the value of reddit activity in generating interest, at the moment it's looking like the reddit AMA had the same strength of interest generation as the GDC footage had in being distributed all across the net.

There's a lot more that needs to happen to get anywhere near old interest levels though, and a lot more that has to happen after that to get near the level necessary to make the game a true success.

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