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Old 2012-05-03, 10:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
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Re: Customization Woes

Originally Posted by LostAlgorithm View Post
One thing I kind of wonder, and which would appease my distaste for some of this customization, is if maybe we could have a way to hide the display of each individual customization within the game world?

Each customization could have a little check box next to it in the UI that when you click it would prevent that customization from being displayed to you. Players and vehicles with that customization would be reverted to a default empire color scheme / design on your screen, but not on theirs.

You might say this inhibits customization, but I think it's merely taking customization one step further. I would like the ability to customize my gameplay experience to exclude certain customization options from showing up to me.
Then the people who purchase the camo patterns in the hope that it'll help breakup their outline will have wasted their money. In a sort of way I do like the idea as I would like to block out all the clown shoe, rainbow camo wearing soldiers if there are any... but I think a feature like this would lessen the coolness of buying a skin, knowing that only a fraction of the players will even see it.
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