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Old 2012-06-11, 03:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Master Sergeant
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Re: Developer Paradigm

Originally Posted by Rivenshield View Post
Yeah. And frankly it sucks. One of the things that made PS great was logistics and supply. You had to park the AMS as close to the action as you could so people could top off on ammo; you had to make ANT runs. Now we have healing grenades and teleport-out-of-thin-air spawning on top of your SL. Oh, and we get to bound through the air on magical trampolines a la Tribes. I'm not sure why that rubs me the wrong way. It just fucking does.

No mixing/matching certs, no Spitfires, no hacking.... I can't do any of the things I did TEN YEARS AGO, and that's taken the wind out of my sails. I'm more or less in passive-waiting mode, seeing what SOE is going to come up with *this* time.
The Galaxy is now the AMS and will need to be parked and defended. It is huge which will require team work to defend. Squad spawn has its limits like there is a huge delay between squad spawns, the SL has to have the CERT, and you look like the damn human torch coming down.

The jump pads are so defending the base can be easier for the defenders as the bases are now way bigger or more open. The tech in Planetside allows for people to not die and respawn. I think you can accept some jump pads.

Healing nades. Logically make sense. It would be impossible to heal a group of 20 people in a reasonable amount of time. And you can still heal the old fashioned way too.

Oh and spitfires? Spitfires = A.I. They want everything player controlled and team work oriented. Is that not what you want? I find it funny you hate them adding things you think remove team play yet you want a A.I. turret that requires no team play.

Last edited by JPalmer; 2012-06-11 at 03:02 PM.
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