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Old 2012-06-17, 05:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Re: Can o' worms: Soul

Originally Posted by p0intman View Post
This is a discussion on the possibility and ramifications of souls, or post-death energy of some kind, whatever you call it, remaining somewhere of significance. Many cultures and areas in the world have stories and myths of ghosts, souls, spirits and so fourth.

Do they exist? This so far has not been proven, or disproven. They could be hallucinations of various kinds, and I would contend that they are just that. The human mind is a powerful and not fully understood device.

With that... your thoughts on ghosts and other kinds of spirit-matter?
I think I'm in that category of people who equate the mind/soul with the pattern of electro-chemical energy in your brain and its changes across time. Assuming we're not living in a simulation, it seems that energy patterns that change themselves in complex ways ( more complex than how an electromagnetic wave self-propagates) require a material medium. By "material" I mean that it requires mass as a medium in order to change from one point in time to the next. Sure, I can store your mental pattern and send it using radio waves, but how does that pattern change in a meaningful life-ish way?
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