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Thread: Trayvon Martin
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Old 2012-06-22, 07:56 AM   [Ignore Me] #573
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Re: Trayvon Martin

Originally Posted by Malorn View Post
Looks plausible to me.
I also think it is plausible for someone shot through a ventricle with casing fragments in their lungs to lean back and say "You got me!" before falling over dead. That is how people behave when they are shot. I guess Martin was a mustache-twirling villain from a cartoon.

Incidentally the police report says Martin was found prone with his hands underneath his body, while Zimmerman claims he outstretched Martin's hands because he felt Martin was attacking him with a weapon (how convenient) and that holding his hands apart was a bid to disarm him. Oops! Laying it on a little thick that time unfortunately.

Either way, it's totally plausible that this unarmed kid with no history of violence decided to murder a random stranger with his bare hands a couple hundred feet from his home. And I know it is plausible, because a man with a history of violence whose wife and he have both been caught lying to the courts told me so.
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