PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Gameplay: MAX Melee Arm (Sacrifice a gun for better melee)
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Old 2012-07-05, 11:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
First Sergeant
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Re: MAX Melee Arm (Sacrifice a gun for better melee)

More Space Marine examples... with a powerfist

Again,the overall DPS of these MAX melee weapons should be slightly less their ranged weapon equivalent...even its only slightly less. The advantage should be that they do good damage against all unit types. Another is that they have low RoF, but does a lot of damage per hit which allows you to take opponents by surprise with burst Zekeen suggested. However a MAX with dual AV weapons should easily take out a MAX with a melee weapon...even if the melee weapon is a "anti-MAX" melee weapon like I suggested.

I'm not 100% sure about Maxes doing a ton of melee damage to vehicles though. It might be nearly impossible for the driver or gunner to get an angle on him, and friendlies would just destroy the tank trying to hit the Max...
First of all, it wouldn't be a ton of damage. Remember, its going to do less than a single AV weapon. Second, if a max is allowed to get that close to a vehicle, they deserve to get wrecked. I see MAX using this primarily against vehicles that are in tight quarters they have no business being in.

Last edited by OutlawDr; 2012-07-05 at 11:04 PM.
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