PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Why K:D, Deaths, streaks and other stats are bad, and how PS2 can evolve the genre
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Old 2012-07-24, 09:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #528
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Re: Why K:D, Deaths, streaks and other stats are bad, and how PS2 can evolve the genr

Originally Posted by Dart View Post
You are throwing your toys out of the pram having never played the game or even experienced what you're attempting to argue with me about. Getting this worked up over a feature that you haven't even experienced yet is ridiculous. Please try to keep an open mind when you play the game; there might be some aspects to these features you have not considered yet.
What I am arguing with you specifically is your choice of wording in your comments here, and your impression that once something is in game it cannot be changed, no matter how trivial. All I need to be able to argue against that is to look at your comments.

You seem to be using your experience in game as some sort of be-all-end-all authority in something which is regarding this forum.

Also we do not need to play PS2 in order to comment on what having a K : D statistic causes, unless you are going to try and tell us that there is some drastically unique aspect about the way K : D is displayed that totally knocks all of our criticism of the psychology of having a K : D statistic in general. We all know what a K : D statistic is, that's all we really need to know for this subject to be valid.

Please stop thinking that your access to the game is a counter to every argument, no matter what it is, even if it is against a concept which everyone has first hand experience with.

And trust me, I am open minded, but having seen this mechanic in hundreds of games I think we have all had a fair bit of experience in how it works, unless, once again, it is vastly unique to the point were it is not even recognisable as a K : D statistic mechanism!

Edit: Nice to know you removed that entire section from your post. Funny how you should replace a part which is trying to divert attention to me rather than my argument with a part calling for people to be more civil.

Last edited by MrKWalmsley; 2012-07-24 at 09:56 AM.
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