PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Why K:D, Deaths, streaks and other stats are bad, and how PS2 can evolve the genre
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Old 2012-07-24, 09:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #529
Re: Why K:D, Deaths, streaks and other stats are bad, and how PS2 can evolve the genr

Its a difficult subject if you look into it.

The reason why Killseath works is becuase it's simple to understand. It's a well established record of comparison that everyone is familiar with.

Is it important to people who understand the deeper aspects and sacrifices of cooperative teambased play, not so much, but it can still be a useful reference.

In order for it to be replaced with another stat, we would first have to establish which stats(s) are more important. Compounding the issue without even really exploring it, we can be fairly sure that each and every class and style of play can be valued in a different manner, or at least with differetn priorities.

The sheer number of potential variables for stats is staggering due to the potential combinations of what may be viewed as valueable to the individual player.

Lives, deaths, repairing, healing, destruction, distance, captures, defends, hacks, rounds fired, weapons used, assists, resources, etc.

If it were me I would present the player with a customizable interface for them to setup as they see fit and prioritze the stats that they themselves felt were most appropriate.
Will the PS2 devs institute such an interface?.....
Maybe, but I doubt it. Why?....

Because K is easy to understand and a well established stat.

You can never have enough stats, but they are only as relevant as you make them to be.
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