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Old 2012-08-06, 02:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Sergeant Major
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Re: controllers for planetside 2

I use mouse/keyboard, always have on PC, probably always will. With that said, there are several obvious factors that can make gamepads a better choice:

A) I have a friend with severe carpal tunnel who has a ton of trouble keeping his wrist in a position for a mouse/keyboard, and even with anti-carpal designed ones, he feels pain after a very short time. Gamepads provide the most comfortable finger movement and hand positioning for his needs. It isn't always about which dominates in terms of advantage.

B) My other friend has never, and I mean never gamed on PC in his life, and plans to play PS2. He got into console gaming years later than most friends, in his late teens. He plays pretty well now, and after a great deal of time being a slow learner, he doesn't want to take the time to get comfortable with playing on a mouse and keyboard when he can't even type with any finess at all. The tactical advantage is actually more of a detriment in this case as well.

Let's grow up, it isn't always about feeling elite with your sweet razer gear. Hell, the prospect of laying back in bed and relaxing after practice, work and school with a comparatively mobile and comfortable controller could sway even me at some point.

As for the OP, yes, I believe they said there will be support, and I'm sure a lot of people will use them.
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