PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - My Kid is ruining my K/D!
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Old 2012-12-17, 12:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
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Re: My Kid is ruining my K/D!

Originally Posted by DirtyBird View Post
Probably not appropriate in light of recent events but because of that I let my 6yr old nephew do what ever he wanted to do this weekend and he wanted to play PS2 instead of just watching me.
I was just as happy watching him play as he was playing it, K/D means nothing.
I think it's just important that kids have a healthy understanding of reality versus fantasy.

I was very sheltered as a child, and as a result, when I got into my early adulthood, I craved violence in video games. Sheltering me from violence as a child obviously didn't work. I don't plan on sheltering my daughter, but I also don't want to make light of killing.

It's kind of difficult to explain the entertainment we get from playing war, but how terrible the loss of life in reality is. I guess what I'm going to do is that stress in my video games, nobody actually dies. When someone's life is taken in reality, it's a terrible thing.

Sorry, don't mean to be a Debbie Downer on this thread all of a sudden, but it's been something I've been thinking about as a parent.

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