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Old 2013-01-26, 06:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Rothnang's Avatar
Re: [Vid] Air vs Ground Balance Opinion/Feedback

If I could just have a Liberator that trades the Bellygun for doors on the side and 6 more guys who can shoot out I would only fly that. I enjoy the hell out of just using the tankbuster and really feeling like a badass pilot, the only thing I always wish I had was the ability to insert a team of commandos to flip points.

The Bellygun is boring, it makes flying the Liberator boring,a and it makes fighting against it boring. Right now you are forced to use it, because all the things that can hit you when you don't use the bellygun kill you way too fast. 2 dumbfire rockets, 3 tank shells, and both of those things easily hit a Liberator that's fighting people with the Tankbuster, since you have to fly on the deck, right up in their face, and pretty slow. Any AA weapon also is twice as deadly when it shoots you while you're flying below 30 meters.

But hey, even if I do get blown up, at the very least I know that the guy who killed me got a kick out of seeing that giant bird come down like something out of Metal Slug. Sure, there will be scoffers who say i'm using the Liberator in a stupid way, but I had fun, my enemies had fun, so what's wrong with that? I do wish the game was more built around that kind of play, because obviously the Liberator goes down super easy when you use it like that.

Last edited by Rothnang; 2013-01-26 at 06:20 AM.
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