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Old 2013-02-09, 01:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Re: Still balancing issues...

Originally Posted by Chris Talon View Post
.I also don't know why Vanu players seem to cry rivers of tears over their "poor" tank, claiming it has been ruined and wanting their certs back - nothing has happened yet ! Yes they nerfed the Saron but that thing was so crazy and ridiculous that it went from horrendously op to "merely" awesome.

The strafing thing is a bug - however I still hope they will fix the exploit of adding the strafing speed to the tank speed (for obvious physical reasons).
Is it a bug? Doesn't seem to be fixed for some reason. It has the same exact issue that they just fixed with the Flash, how come it's so different to fix it with the Magrider? How come they were able to fix the strafing on flat ground but not on any sort of inclines?

For those who still don't get it, if you're in the Magrider and going full speed forward, then attempt to strafe over a hill as you go forward(off a road, over a small bank) you will slow down to quite literally a dead stop. This was as similar of an issue as you can get to what the Flash was and it was fixed.

It's being ignored by the dev's because of people like you who think it was a needed change. It's not, there are less Magriders than any other tank right now. They went from being useful to being useless. That's not balancing, that's nerfing something into the ground because the skill-less masses in the game are unable to adapt.

It's funny how people swear the NC MAX is balanced, because you can just get out of range, but when people claim the same thing with the Magrider(get close to it, hide behind *anything*, hit it as many times as it hits you), then it's OH NOES WE CAN'T DO THAT NERF!

w/e, it's why people on VS are quitting. I think it's hilarious that people are now realizing how good the NC weapons are and you see the high rank VS on multiple servers re-rolling to NC because of it. One of these days the devs will realize that the people who play the most do actually know the most about the balance rather than the masses who want the game to be easy rather than skillful.

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