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Old 2013-06-01, 11:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #147
Falcon_br's Avatar
Re: Zealot Maxes need rebalancing

Originally Posted by PredatorFour View Post
Exactly dude, although we kill faster we get raped faster too. This is what a lot of people don't understand cos they're not VS. Rockets screw us up big time. It's almost like whether it's worth not using zoe to stay alive.

If we don't have zoe on we can still cain other empires infantry. If we have it on, we kill faster but drop sooo much faster too.
The problem is, that Zoe maxes with maximum level of kinect armor, do survive rockets to the face with almost half his health.
Unless they find a way to balance the combo Zoe + armor (flak for anti air, kinect for the rest of it), there will be no point of not using Zoe max all the time, people are saying and I must agree with then, there most played VS class right now is the Max class!
Nerfing Lockdown fractures where the TR maxes are immobile, while Zoe maxes just pop up and hit hard with all kinds of anti tank guns and leave before they can be receive any kind of retaliation is stupid!
Also the engineer turret it the best way to stop tank columns, now the NC maxes got one in each arm!
Talking about nerfing lockdown is the most stupid thing I ever heard, placing a activation/deactivation time to Zoe while all other maxes got it, seen reasonable.

In planetside since the close beta of the first game!
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