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Old 2013-06-02, 01:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #148
Re: Zealot Maxes need rebalancing

Originally Posted by PredatorFour View Post
Exactly dude, although we kill faster we get raped faster too. This is what a lot of people don't understand cos they're not VS. Rockets screw us up big time. It's almost like whether it's worth not using zoe to stay alive.

If we don't have zoe on we can still cain other empires infantry. If we have it on, we kill faster but drop sooo much faster too.
It still takes a good while to deal 8,000 damage instead of he normal 10,000 (not counting armors). With the lower bullets to kill count infantry have even less time to deal damage to a VS MAX. If I see a ZOE MAX at 30m I run my ass off for the closest cover! 6 hits, that's all a ZOE MAX needs to kill an infantry at any range if I remember right. That just doesn't give time to do more than say "Oh shit!" if the MAX has good aim.

Granted this coming from a NC player that likes his MAX might sound something like a bad joke but once again it falls to what makes a shotgun a shotgun and a HMG a HMG. I run dual Mattocks for the sole reason of they have at least a bit of range to them and that I hated Hacksaws since day Beta. Even with Mattocks I need up to 4+ shells from each arm to kill infantry at 15m and they only have 6 without certing extended mags, then it gets to 10. Iv had countless times where I sent 20 total shells at someone and failed to kill from across a room. Without extended mags a NC MAX is crap for general AI work thanks to range and reload times then once you get them you bleed ammo. Unless you are behind some door then NC MAXes just do not have enough range or ammo. My extended mag Mattocks have 10 shells ready and 50 in the pool. 6 full mags, that's it and will last me between 6-10 encounters before Im out of ammo.

Shotguns are not as strong as people bitch they are. Yes a shotgun can kill faster than anything else but ONLY under perfect conditions. Everyday I play I fend off failed attempts to kill me with a shotgun. Pump, auto, doesn't matter. It is not a hard thing to do, you just have to keep a little distance and hope someone doesn't find your blind side. Shotguns need a lot of luck or flat out spam shells to kill without perfect conditions. HMGs, and other standard weapons for that matter, on the other hand are not something you can just squirm in and out of. If a good HMG has you in his sights the fight ends depending on his skill, not his luck.

TR and VS MAXes know damn near exactly where their bullets will land. The more they learn their weapons the better they can control them and the more rounds will hit on target. NC MAXes on the other hand will NEVER know where the shot will land, just that it will be in the area they are pointing. HMGs only have to deal with COF. Shotguns have pellet spread on top of COF almost doubling the post COF spread depending on stance.

VS MAXes already had, in my opinion, the strongest AI weapons before ZOE. No drop, highest damage per round, fastest reloads, and some of if not the lowest COFs. VS MAXes are damn good in my eyes without ZOE, with ZOE they are just WTF levels. Why the VS didn't use their MAXes more before I'll never know. They made men piss themselves. Hell, any supported MAX is deadly if they are kept supported.

I honestly think ZOE should not only have a timer of sorts added but make the MAX far less accurate as well as the lower armor. Think about it. The MAX moves faster, fires overcharged rounds, and gets hurt more. How does it still have the same COF? I might be happy to have them keep the extra speed if that speed costs them accuracy. Say add .25 for still COF and .50 for move COF.
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