PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - How to fix the TR mini-chaingun (and the other HA weapons)
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Old 2013-06-11, 01:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
Re: How to fix the TR mini-chaingun (and the other HA weapons)

My HA specific guns would be ranked with MCG first, Jackhammer second and Lasher third. I had the Lasher since launch, but got the Jackhammer and MCG when they had the member sale for 50% off.

MCG is versatile. I can take it in to most situations and know that I have enough bullets to lay waste to whatever is in my path. I can't round corners blindly, but if I play to it's strengths I can use it almost anywhere... it's even good at long distance as long as you are standing still.

Jackhammer is CQC only.. it's nice that it has a tight grouping so that you can use it at ranges the pumps don't seem to be able to handle. I like that it's semi auto or burst fire. It does suck that you can use other shotguns to similar effect.. pumps are way better at close range and at mid-long range you are better off with any LMG.

Lasher... coolest looking to me with the MCG behind it. The lasher is just way too specialized. It's terrible in CQC and not amazing at range because the bullet velocity is so low. The only thing it excels at is suppression... great for spawn room camping or locking down hallways/corridors. Sadly friendies are magnets to it and you end up getting high grief before you can actually do much to the enemy. The MCG is almost just as good at suppression. I wish the lasher did more direct damage and maybe slightly higher AOE damage. Still the coolest part is the looks.

On topic, I like the MCG a lot. I wish it looked a little more functional. The current design doesn't really look believable to me. I really like the digital read out for bullets.. when the read out works. The spin up isn't terrible, but would be nice if they would either reduce it or make it consistant so that people don't continue to abuse ADS for spin up. If they could make it look more like the original then I would be super happy.
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