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Old 2013-06-21, 02:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Staff Sergeant
AuntLou's Avatar
Re: API Roster missmatches

Ok so I've been emailing the data feedback guys and they have come to the conclusion that players who delete their accounts are not removed and still show up in your outfit. They are tossing my other mumbojumbo that I don't even understand like:
Ps2-beta does not deal well with deleted characters. Ps2 does it better. It will not return a character from the /get/ps2/character call if it has been deleted. As Morgan pointed out, unfortunately the game does not delete outfit_member records when a character is deleted. You can get around this be resolving from the outfit_member collection to the character collection:

Do a query like this:,member_since

The characters who have been deleted will not resolve:

This guy is not deleted since his name resolved.

"id": "37509488620608321",
"character": {
"name": {
"first": "Louey"
"character_id": "5428010618036225057",
"member_since": "1353447527",
"member_since_date": "2012-11-20 21:38:47.0",
"rank": "Leader",
"rank_ordinal": "1"


This guy is deleted (no name resolved).

"id": "37509488620608321",
"character_id": "5428010618035764881",
"member_since": "1353448065",
"member_since_date": "2012-11-20 21:47:45.0",
"rank": "Member",
"rank_ordinal": "5"


So yeah Hamma can I just forward this email to you for you to make sense of it(if yes whats your email)?
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