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Old 2013-06-30, 04:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #26
Re: At the risk of sounding like I'm bitching...

Some of the alert situation can be summed up with one of my SL's comments yesterday, "It's hard to care about alerts when they pop up every 5 minutes", plus the Bio Lab alert is a grind so no one wants to get involved with it, If you start to think like that for one type of alert, it's easier for a state of apathy to evolve for all alerts.

This is not the only Factor, It's my belief that given the choice between fighting each other or fighting the NC, both factions will pick the latter, the only evidence I have for this is my own experience in game so I could be wrong, maybe the TR love fighting against ZOE Max's, and maybe the Vanu players like seeing their air power vanish to strikers.

I'm not saying NC is underpowered with the above statement, we have our tools as well, they just aren't annoying to play against.

And last but not least

When someone looks for picking a faction for the first time, again this is only my opinion, they see the Terran as this militaristic machine, players more inclined to join organised team play will pick TR.
Most Vanu on Miller due to low pop joined Outfits, they simply were forced to due to the circumstance of get organised or get Farmed, NC haven't had this yet we've a large percentage of players simply not in Outfits, or not willing to join them.... It's like they want to be rebellious or something, it's also why the Lattice helped NC on Miller the most, it directs the minions.

And those are the reasons I think NC don't win a lot of Alerts on Miller
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