PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - MAX Balnace Part 4: Everything AI
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Old 2013-07-06, 05:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
War Barney
Sergeant Major
Re: MAX Balnace Part 4: Everything AI

How about you do the maths then if you think he has diddled the results. There are actually videos done with the testing so you can use them if you want or go do it yourself completely afresh.

Does nobody else find it disgusting and ridiculous that people are basically looking at figures proving the NC MAX is useless and saying *no the NC MAX is awesome* thats like looking at somebody whos just built you a car that works and during the drive saying *no this car is still back at the garage broken*.

I know you guys don't want to accept it but unless you want to do the maths yourself you have to accept these figures show the NC MAX is by far the WORST MAX. And lets not forget this was done with NO abilities so you might try to say *oh but slugs* well I can counter *oh but hunker down and zealot drive*. These are things which will improve the TTK for the VS and TR MAX, you can add the shield if you want it wont increase our TTK at all....

So please if you want to try and say he's wrong do the mats yourself first, don't come in here saying *but I died once to a NC MAX so they must be the best MAX in the game*

Last edited by War Barney; 2013-07-06 at 05:36 PM.
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