PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Warning, very unpopular opinion! Why kill-cam desperately needs to return
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Old 2013-08-19, 01:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #76
Re: Warning, very unpopular opinion! Why kill-cam desperately needs to return

Kill-Cam is a horrible idea, put plainly players should not be rewarded for having poor situational awareness. The "lets remove an aspect of combat for the benefit of new player adjustment" is just a bad line of thought; you could easily replace "kill-cam" with something like "autoaim" following that line of reasoning.

Besides you already have visual indicators as to where your being fired upon from via tracer fire/sound, and damage visual indication on your screen (red circle fragment damage indicator when you get hit which is common place in your vanilla shooter and anyone who's ever played a round of CoD should be familiar with). All the tools are there to be utilized; no point replacing them with an unnecessary crutch that removes or at least blatantly hampers legitimate tactical options in the game.

The only way kill cams would have a positive impact would be on a time delayed release where you could analyze your deaths after the fact, and for the lols factor on retarded deaths. somewhere between an hour and a day delayed so it doesn't give the viewer a tactical advantage in the immediate but honestly don't really think it's needed.

Last edited by Angrytortoise; 2013-08-19 at 01:47 PM.
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