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Old 2014-03-31, 01:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Re: YouTube and Planetside

Originally Posted by Falcon_br View Post
I have two outfit members that record using playclaw.
They say it have no performance impact and you can get it on steam.
Of course it is impossible to have no impact, but it must be small.
I use the game build in video recorder and the impact is also low, the only problem is encoding after the recording, but it is ok and free.
I see the in game recorder as trash. It has no video quality to it even if you crank it as high as you can. As a free starting point, maybe it can be good. But it has to be the first thing to be dumped if you want any quality.

Finished videos only look meh while in a small window and look garbage in fullscreen. I can only maybe read any text when someone uses the in game recorder and that is a deal breaker most of the time when you need to see detailed stuff like text or smaller things such as a far target or just the mini-map. Never mind being able to see cloakers in a low quality video, they are hard to see as is if the guy is good.

If you want to make quality stuff, you need the right tools. A recorder of choice, a good mic, a 2nd fast writing HDD dedicated to pure recording, and an editor of choice.

The recorder is anything you want but it has to be able to get at least over 480 footage. 720 I find is a good place to shoot for, 1080 is overkill but great if able. And the editor is up to what you want out of one. Some need to do fancy stuff and need a good editor, some only need to stitch clips together. It all depends on what you want to do and how you want to do it.

But the mic and HDD is not an option, they are a must. A good mic is a must from your voice being the thing people hear the most. If it sounds bad then your video will sound bad. The dedicated HDD is a must from all recorders needing to write a lot of information while the game is read a chunk of information at the same time. If you read and write from the same HDD then it will bog down to the point of being useless. A HDD can only do one thing at a time and if you tell it to do more than one thing it will stress the fuck out of it. Any HDD of 500GB or more with a write speed of over 100MB can do, but the more write speed the better quality you can record at without stress or performance loss. Going with more than 500GB of space only lets you record more without having to stop for a file dump. My 1TB holds anywhere around 30+ hours. Likely a lot more, I never get close to filling it to see.
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