PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Things That Make You Log Off (rage quit)
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Old 2014-07-30, 04:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sergeant Major
Things That Make You Log Off (rage quit)

Curious to see what type of things can happen in the game that frustrate you so much that when they occur you just exit out of the game. This thread isn't a balance whine-fest; I'm not interested in posts like "i log off whenever a sniper headshots me waaah nerf snipers". Don't care.

I'm talking about things that literally can or have just made you quit the game for a minute.

Case in point, about ten minutes ago I logged into the game, already kind of in a sour mood, hopped onto my NC account and spawned a Vanguard at Chac Tech Plant. As my Vanguard spawned and began to roll out of the vehicle bay, an allied Liberator exploded for reasons unknown and its flaming debris showered upon the ground directly in front of the vehicle spawn, right in my path. I figured "huge fucking tank" and so didn't divert. My tank rolled into the flaming debris... and instantly exploded. Kill-card came up, said my ally killed me via his liberator.

Boom. Less than nine seconds, there goes 400 vehicle resources and oh thanks for the 16 minute timer. 50 ton vehicle? No match for some burnt aircraft debris on the ground. Logged out immediately.

Lol. Anyway...

What kind of dumb shit happens in this game that'll make you rage out? Share your pain.
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