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Old 2013-07-24, 02:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Phantom Pain
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Re: What would you like to be set in place, if there were Planetside 2 Tournaments.

1) I'd prefer two commentators per faction and that the faction can only hear their own commentators, so that a commentator doesn't leak important info to the other faction (ex, a commentator accidentally says the battle plan that one faction has to the other faction.

2)No rocket pods (One round of rocket pods can almost wipe out an entire squad). I think for battle islands rocket pods are a bit too much firepower.

3)Platoon v Platoon sounds fun.

4)The objective should be hold the most influence in the island within a given time (60-90 min, kinda like an alert). At least that's what I'd like to see, but deathmatch sounds fine too.

5) Not neccesarily NS weapons (since there aren't many NS at the moment) but each faction should only be allowed to use similar weapons (ex. can't use vs weapons that charge up for extra damage)

6) As for paying, I don't like paying to participate, but trolls are an issue(plus I like big prizes ). I'd like to see a mix between free and pay to play tournaments.

7) Not really sure on my position on live streaming
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