PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Will this game fail?
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Old 2012-09-04, 03:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #46
Re: Will this game fail?

I think if they keep Auraxium gain so slow and get the prices for the "side-grade" weapons and attachments wrong, and they don't fix getting pop-locked off your main character, then people are going to quit before they even get their character customized to their preferred play style.

I know that I am already bored as hell of the game, but I still sit there for 10+ minutes hitting the PLAY button, because I have 4K more AX to collect before I can even start testing the AA rocket launcher (which I already have read is garbage). I've been beta a month now and sure I have made a few characters, including a new "main", but after a couple hundred hours of play I should be able to get two weapon upgrades (I have the lock on ground vehicle launcher), regardless of how many "big bases" I have been at. It's like I am being punished for defending or taking all those other hexes on the map and I've capped so many it's nuts!

Also, the game plays like absolute shit on my hardware, even at the lowest possible settings (2.33GHZ Core2 Quad, GTS450, 6GB RAM). Sure, I can run around and play at little outposts and maintain 40+ FPS in combat, but woo... that's not Planetside. Heck, it's not even Quake! When I go near a big battle, it's 0-15 FPS with periodic complete freezes for 5 to 10 seconds at time. If this does not get fixed, I'll just not play long before I will upgrade my computer, which I am otherwise 100% satisfied with. Sorry, but one game is not worth the money, especially when said game takes beauty over frame rate (despite Smed preaching the contrary last year). I would consider upgrading if there were other things I needed it for, but given that I don't, it just ain't gonna happen.

Last edited by Tatwi; 2012-09-04 at 03:32 AM.
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