PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Zealot Maxes need rebalancing
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Old 2013-05-24, 08:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #54
Re: Zealot Maxes need rebalancing

I think it's imbalanced personally. It's the slow movement that balances the MAX unit in Infantry combat. Why? Because Infantry are themselves slowed down by the need to use Ironsights an stand still for accuracy. MAX's don't use Ironsights they fire on the move. But until now they move about as slow as an Infantry using Ironsights so it was balanced. A ZOE MAX is basically playing completely outside the rules. Running around essentially hip firing with perfect accuracy, while still being able to eat more lead than a HA. That's why the topic creator is correct. If your VS there is no reason to play any other class in close to mid range combat but MAX.

In comparison Lockdown, and the Aegis Shield are much more situational abilities. Lockdown being good mainly for defense against vehicles/air. Shield being good for MAX crashing. But what's funny is ZOE is good for both. Just rank 1 ZOE gives you the full movement which is great for general farming of enemy Infantry, and MAX crashing. Invest deeper to get the damage boost up if you want to be able to kill vehicles as well as a Lockdown MAX while getting to move around instead of be stationary like them.

It's simply the best new MAX ability by a large margin. And the VS know it which is why you see nothing but a horde of MAX's when you fight them. Just like once upon a time all you saw was a sea of Magriders.
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