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Old 2014-04-13, 03:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
First Lieutenant
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Re: H1Z1 and the cannibalization of Planetside 2

Everyone is so down right now, and that's coming from me! Right now, PS2 is not in a horrible state. Population seems pretty stable and I honestly don't see any glaring issues.

Snipers have more power, but they don't seem overpowered. I know sniping is a high skill playstyle and isn't easy. If you nerf it, don't nerf damage. Increase bullet drop to make shots more difficult.

Liberators seem to be in a nice spot. There are plenty of times where liberators can't even enter the airspace. Also, its a high teamwork vehicle, so it should be rewarding to use and I don't get killed by it enough to be rage inducing.

The biggest balance issue is the HA shield/I win button. If I'm a good shot, I should be able to burn them before they can auto-win. If I'm not on target, they should kill me. They are slow and have the superior firepower.

With regard to the types of players, some will migrate, but there are many who won't.
- First, FPS/war junkies. They just want a big fight to kill the crap out of the enemy.
- Second, Hardcore (leader type): Some of these find it more exciting to lead troop formations into battle than try to lead a society. Planetside is one of the only games where this can be done.
- Third, Normal (selfish type): Many of these want to constantly be in the action. H1Z1 will have a lot of down time compared to Planetside 2.
- Fourth, Casual (social type): H1Z1 is going to be a very hard game. Smed equivocated to the difficulty of dark souls. This appeals to the hardcore audience. I expect there will be many that try H1Z1 and be too intimidated.

H1Z1 will likely live by a group of very dedicated players. PS2, especially with console expansion, will have much wider appeal in the market's most popular genre.
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