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Old 2013-06-01, 02:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Sergeant Major
Re: This isn't really a gaming topic but...

Originally Posted by Crator View Post
Consoles are bread and butter for gaming industry due to affordability over the PCs though. That's why they thrive... I've always been more of a PC gamer myself though.
A good PC costs less then 1300 quid (16 gig ram, 1000 gig hard drive, i7 3.4 CPU and 660 TI graphics card). An xbox elite (Or was it a slim?) costs around 600-700.

PC games are cheaper (Not to mention you get tons of FREE games on them yet not on consoles. Like PS2). I get most from 5-15 with the odd 20 quid game. Most console games I see are at LEAST 20 (this is second hand but even brand new pc games are 10 quid cheaper then the console ones).

360 comes out with not so efficient hardware as a good PC for its time and lags on Halo Reach. People get the NEXT crappy console to play the newer games whereas with a PC you can just replace a part of two (cheaper). Elite comes out and then slim and most xbox gamers will buy at least ONE of those.

PC's are more expensive then a single console, but they last longer. Time is money. Therefor money is saved by having better hardware longer.

Compare my pc with the xbox one which isn't quite as efficient. As time goes on, it will lag behind more and more and as a result games will have content removed or not added due to console limitations unless said games are only on the pc.

And finally, planetside 2 IS a game. With voice chat being used over typing. If consoles are the bread and butter for gaming then why aren't games like this on them? (keyboard wouldn't even have to be included).

Sorry if that comes across as offensive but it really rattles me up when people say consoles are "the bread and butter" of games or "PC's are shit because I haven't played them because every comp I seen in this school is shit even though they're not made for games".

Also, mods (some are games in there own right).

Anyway, gaming PC's are more expensive but also last longer (provided you get one BUILT for games) which balances out the price.

I don't mind what statements people make but please back it up with proof.
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