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Old 2015-07-07, 02:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
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Re: Smedley - "Planetside 2 2.0 in September"

Originally Posted by Warborn View Post
PS1 was an abomination of bad balance and worthless ideas. Many of the vehicles were useless, many weapons were essentially worthless, and everyone gravitated to cookie-cutter loadouts. Reavers/mossies in particular were hilariously imbalanced, being one-man murder machines in a game where tanks had a dedicated driver, plus they doubled as the ideal form of transport, and made galaxies next to worthless. As a game, PS2 is far better designed than PS1 ever was.

And the notion that skill mattered more in PS1 is similarly a laugh. The game didn't even have headshots, and weapons were amazingly primitive. It takes far more FPS skill to be successful in PS2 than in PS1. You do not know what you're talking about if you think BR and gear are what matters in PS2.
No, you're just bad at PS1 it appears. Personal skill mattered far more in 1 than it does in 2. Sure, there are some setups in PS2 that take far more skill than they did in PS1, but those are the exception and not the rule. What weapons were useless in PS1? They all had their uses if you knew what you were doing and planned/played accordingly.

Pound for pound, setups in PS1 were far more situational and usually could be tailored to every specific fight if you wanted to go that far. PS2 relies far more on large numbers to accomplish anything than it does the personal skill and teamwork of any given unit.

Again, if you knew what you were doing, armor was HIGHLY useful in PS1 even and especially with the dedicated driver and dedicated gunner. Organization - actual organization, not just hopping into a platoon - mattered infinitely more than it ever will in PS2. I should know that, given the company I've kept and the types of shit I've pulled off with others.

Lastly, once more pound for pound in comparison, BR matters more in PS2 than it does in PS1. You take one newbie to PS2 and put them into a training squad and they might be fit for moving into more tactical gameplay after a month of grinding and getting familiar with the game. Minimum of a month, at best. Take that same newbie, put them into a squad in PS1 that wanted to train people and I could have them effectively contributing in a meaningful way to every single fight after a week on average. The barrier to being useful in PS2 is higher due to how weapon unlocks work and how BR grinds work. The barrier to being useful in PS1 was lower simply because there were more ways to meaningfully contribute to an empire's wider tactical work at a lower level, that would meaningfully help someone advance in BR and unlock more certs.

Retired NC CR5, Cerberus Company.
Not currently playing PS2. Anyone with a similar name is not me. My only characters are listed in my stats profile here on PSU.

Last edited by p0intman; 2015-07-07 at 02:42 AM.
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