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Old 2012-03-11, 07:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Re: AGN Community Night March 2012 Recording

Big thanks to Hamma, Mars, and Jenny for putting on AGN again. Always enjoyable.

Most of the commentators are actively reading both twitch and IRC chat while talking. So if you're wondering why there are pauses in the conversation its normally because we're trying to catch up. But as far as incorporating input from chat, I know that for myself if I see a question or comment that I find interesting I try to bring it up. Can't get everything in obviously but the chat definitely has impact on the show.

There was a technical issue part way through for me where the audio from the studio in TS3 stopped broadcasting. Don't know why, I checked my end and my system audio was still functioning and it fixed itself shortly after but I'm wondering if TS3 has something that if you're constantly broadcasting at a set volume for long enough that it turns you off automatically.
By hook or by crook, we will.
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