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Old 2012-04-26, 02:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #34
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Re: Twitter Image Roundup

Originally Posted by Inverness View Post
I'm still not liking the idea of being unable to completely capture a continent. In my opinion that will take away a lot of the feeling of victory since even if you capture everything else the enemy will still be there in their foothold and able to take pot shots at you or vice versa.
At first I would have agreed with you, but consider the most likely scenario:

You push the enemy all the way back to their foothold, and your forces start to mass around it. Snipers are watching all angles, grunts are patrolling back and forth with darklight to make sure infiltrators don't get by, tanks are shelling the foothold shield as a deterrent, and air vehicles are providing overwatch.

Sure there may be a few lucky enemies that sneak past the zerg and attempt to take back a capture point or two, but they'll be quickly wiped out. As fewer and fewer enemies are able to resist in any significant way, the entire enemy faction will warpgate out and essentially the continent will be yours.

It's not a true "win" condition in that you get points or an achievement or something, but Planetside didn't have that either and it was the ultimate rush to finally wipe an enemy faction right off the map.
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