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  1. Launcher
  2. Since I am going to have the time now, and the money...
  3. Future Planetside Add-ons Wish List
  4. PSU meetings
  5. xp system
  6. The new Terran vehicle scheme SUCKS.
  7. Thottbot Stats
  8. Looking for good VS outfit on Emerald
  9. The Planetside Balance beam
  10. Melee Ala halo
  11. FF should be OFF in control room.
  12. New PS Sig
  13. Standard Vest = Best
  14. Bolt Driver Question
  15. PSU meeting #2
  16. Whine and Cheese List: Surge
  17. Preordering Core Combat
  18. Another wish finally fulfilled by the devs...
  19. Big problem
  20. How do you get a 7 day trial code?
  21. Infiltrators - Vehicular Manslaughter
  22. Certs
  23. What Side Are You On?
  24. Aww, they closed the 7 day reunion
  25. HI ALL, i'm new 2 PlanetSide...
  26. Dicepoint Sigs
  27. To The VS and TR of Markov: Good Job
  28. Why arent dicepoint weekly stats updateing?
  29. Anticipating Credit Debt
  30. You might be in CC beta nad not know it.
  31. Exploit or just they way the world works?
  32. Planetside Avatars!!
  33. Oooooh hell...
  34. Sup Newbs
  35. New nVidia drivers...
  36. Core Combat, a comment from Spork
  37. Who do you prefer figting?
  38. OMG! I can't run CC!
  39. Need a locker full of repeaters
  40. CC Beta News
  41. Spec Ops: Fear Us
  42. [not] A Couple of Exclusive CC Beta Screenshots
  43. PSU Trolls ***READ THIS***
  44. has the ram usage been sorted out?
  45. I might come back, are the horrible lag problems gone
  46. AGN Community Night
  47. Early Morning Combat
  48. Piloting Air Vehicles
  49. What do you eat while playing Planetside?
  50. Hey..
  51. NDA Over tomorrow
  52. FPS Improvements Comeing! Words from teh Sporks mouth!
  53. Shadows of Auraxis
  54. XP sharing system
  55. VS, why bother?
  56. Have you ever wondered?...
  57. *salute DragonWolves
  58. Automatic update?
  59. anyone know about videos?
  60. Thumpers & Rocket Rifles
  61. Those without Reinf Exo who use Decimators (New Trick)
  62. Great job TR Markov : POP A SMURF Success
  63. Looking for Elite NC Markov Players to squad
  64. New Rank FAQ Up! (stealing hamma's announcement)
  65. Some Questions about PS
  66. Post your kill ranking worldwide on your server!
  67. Wierd stuff..
  68. testing ps sig
  69. SOE Technical Support Closed due to Wildfires
  70. Female Vanus have Asspacks
  71. SOE Support Closed Today
  72. CC live
  73. Uhhh....?
  74. So... any idea when PS servers will be up?
  75. Gun Turrets woohoo!
  76. Ehh...Equipment Certs. (Med, Hack, Engy and advanced forms)
  77. Things to do while you wait for the servers to come up
  78. The origional PS certification calculator is back
  79. Flail: The Pretty Hate Machine?
  80. *sob!* the ruined the Deliverer
  81. The idea list
  82. Core Combat and wtf
  83. You little crybabies who say you won't buy CC
  84. Is there a place to find requirements?
  85. NDA Lifted ask questions here, I'll see if I can answer them
  86. **sigh**
  87. Official NDA Lift Thread
  88. Sniper cheat, and I need help to catch him
  89. kill per death average
  90. I Need Vans Engs and Gunners for squads!
  91. All hover Vehicles now = POS
  92. Where Can I Buy Core Combat?
  93. CC pics
  94. Log In Troubles
  95. ah dam
  96. Aaaaah Blox0r3d!
  97. First Module Base
  98. Lockers and the caves.
  99. NeW SiG KooL :D
  100. new base with module ;P
  101. New billing for a current account?
  102. New Core Combat Screenshots (Warning 56kers)
  103. caverns question
  104. jumping MAXes
  105. Flail is teh p00?
  106. Downlaod CC, but i was in BETA
  107. It Has Begun
  108. Is it worth it?
  109. CC BETA FLAIL pics
  110. CC questions?
  111. CR5's This happen on other Servers?
  112. Kinda proof that Orbital Stations are going to be implemented
  113. Infantry, Vehicles, and Towers
  114. CR4 Hamma
  115. GeoWarp pics
  116. Sniper Pl - I mean the Mosquito.
  117. Ps Download Open??
  118. The Art of Module Placement
  119. Fps?
  120. Massive FPS lag?
  121. Rofl! Doh!
  122. Wow! Lots of Stealth Changes
  123. How do I fix my sig?
  124. I love it, people bitched about the hart being 10 MIN
  125. Deploying the new vehicles
  126. Dammit.
  127. Ask The Devs 2 - November 13th!
  128. Quick question.
  129. If you read PSU Daily this interests you
  130. What is your average FPS?
  131. Core Combat lags Hardcore
  132. Spiddy idea!
  133. Nominate PS!
  134. Cavern names explained.
  135. Can someone explain the caverns all the buildings and the modules
  136. Inf suit solution?
  137. --------if You're A Pilot Read This--------
  138. Question?
  139. Do You have Core Combat? Do you plan to get it?
  140. HART Idea.
  141. Certain Modules should run through linked Facilitys!
  142. Looking for NC outfit
  143. Flailing about in a blind panic
  144. Caves Empty
  145. The Maelstrom- your impressions
  146. SOE Payment. They Don't want my money?
  147. Fansite stuff
  148. Wow, didn't know the flail was that powerful!
  149. Switchblade
  150. Why are they rotating?
  151. SOE Support Re-Opened
  152. ARGH! Having trouble with Core Combat.
  153. New Texture Issues
  154. Flail Nerf Rumors?
  155. My revisions to transports and the HART
  156. Extra bucks for CC?
  157. Yay! Restarting PS!
  158. Would love to see naval combat
  159. Combat Engi + Infil
  160. Here's how you control the caverns.
  161. Anyone know when the Lodestar is slated for release?
  162. I might get a Galaxy to get to caverns
  163. HART Poll.
  164. Shields in the Sanc.?
  165. CC needs a free demo ASAP
  166. The most BS Post Ever!
  167. A very odd coincedence
  168. Holy shit! I found a good post on the OF
  169. Grief
  170. SOE Contest
  171. Help solve the Frame Rate issues.
  172. A question about updates.
  173. Ideas on Tanks and AV
  174. Hmmm...
  175. A few newbie questions...
  176. NEW Dicepoint Sigs (400px)
  177. 3AM Patch
  178. Core Combat in Europe
  179. Empire Module Movement Options
  180. Awsome Module Idea!!
  181. Crosspost from Official Forums - "There are too many Vortex Modules on Auraxis." WTS?
  182. Uber-Flail
  183. Whats your favorite cert?
  184. Severs Are up, but no one can log in! (Halloween mourning)
  185. The Plasma Hoax
  186. Core Combats been out 2 days...
  187. Congrats NC (Konried) Couldn't have done it without the HART
  188. HART Timer will remain low.
  189. What's a good NC server?
  190. Moons of Auraxis
  191. If you could change/add/remove one thing in Planetside...
  192. Don't be so cheap, go buy Core Combat
  193. Solo or Squad?
  194. Worst NC invasion, ever
  195. Lag
  196. Trial = Full Game?
  197. Staving off the dark side
  198. Some Lag issues, possible fix
  199. You've played to much when...
  200. Mobile Turrets and such
  201. update the site
  202. update the site
  203. Lotsa Ideas
  204. The abilility To loot MAX Weapons?
  205. PS Problems
  206. Outfit?
  207. Router and Stuff (Not a Nerf)
  208. Improved in-game voice chat.
  209. Your most hilarious PS moments
  210. So very sick of tower battles
  211. More Newb questions :)
  212. PSU's front-page MAX survey
  213. Problems Patching
  214. Interlink Facilities KICK ASS.
  215. empire specific
  216. Well,
  217. Disapointed in the lack of persistance in Planetside.
  218. Lemme get this strait before i go in game....
  219. 1 expansion(s) enabled?
  220. The "New" PlanetSideImages
  221. Are you loyal to your empire?
  222. Chat blackout while spawning
  223. Devs learning? KILL THEM!
  224. Keymapping issues
  225. Grief and the Laser pointer
  226. Spiker... you need to time your fires...
  227. Its just a game... calm down
  228. Planetside: The Movie (serious thread, quit laughing willya?)
  229. Game improvements wish list
  230. How many exp does it take?
  231. New Dicepoint Weekly Ranks!
  232. Most active server?
  233. infil buffs
  234. New Patch: PlayTest Tonight!
  235. Reaver tips
  236. Newbie Question: F keys.
  237. How do you drive?
  238. When it comes down to it, I really didn't need Core Combat
  239. Issues with core combat.
  240. Bye bye, Special Assault
  241. Base Warfare
  242. Easily the best OF thread ever...
  243. What do you usually carry in slots 2 and 4?
  244. What is your favourite non-combat activity?
  245. I'm moving to Konried.
  246. Current Development Plans
  247. Latest from Sporkfire over on the OF
  248. AHH!!They nerfed MY FLAIL
  249. Anyone have Planetside dreams?
  250. Lockers. A suggestion.