View Full Version : The Antlift

2003-02-01, 12:30 PM
For the purposes of this thread, let's make the assumption that it is incredibly boring to drive 10 minutes to the nearest warpgate and then 10 minutes back to refill a base. We'll call it a necessary evil and if you want to debate the merits of the system, go contribute to the proper thread for it (http://planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=2151).

Now, here's my best guesstimate on the way to run an ant squad. You start with a Galaxy pilot and three gunners (suprised? this is my thread, afterall). Add two MAXes and an ANT driver in the bay. Escort the Galaxy with a mosquito and a pair of reavers to fill out the rest of your squad.

Now you let the non-critical supply missions fall to others and you punch through to the bases that really need you. Not only will they be thankful every time you make it through, but you will quickly make a name for your group in your empire. I bet you'll have fun doing it, and you have room to deliver 6 reserve infantry to whichever base needs them.

So how would you build an ANT squad, assuming that they are needed for continued operations.

2003-02-01, 12:43 PM
I think that most missions could work with just a galaxy and an ANT, maybe a few gunners.

For those heavy assault type of ressuply missions I would go for 3 galaxys, 2 reavers, 1 skeeter an 3 ANTs

I think this would be more effective because you should be trying to get to the base, not neccesarily kill your way to the base. The two reavers would supply the firepower for emergencies, the skeeter would provide radar, and the three galaxies would confuse the enemy. You could even do it with one ANT, but then you would run the risk that they could destroy the galaxy with the ANT in it. This also only uses 9 people so you could have an extra skeeter/reaver.

With the two MAX's and three gunners you would be able to do more damage, but in the end the galaxy is still as vulnerable. If you only have one then the mission depends upon it surviving, thats why I think 3 would be better.

2003-02-01, 12:48 PM
It would be kinda cool if you knew ahead of time that while doing you ANT runs, that you were going to be attacked by a certain squad. That way way you could get a transport, fill it with guys, and pretend your defensless, then BOOM, scare the shit outta all of them. Dunno, almost all the scenarios dealing with ANT missions seem pretty boring. All well.

P.S. Nice new sig Airlift :D

2003-02-01, 12:51 PM
True, but I would take the smaller group with more firepower. You don't want to fight your way to the base, but you will need to support the ANT once it begins offloading. The base defenders may be able to provide that support, but I'd rather put my ants in one basket and focus my own defenses around it.

2003-02-01, 12:53 PM
P.S. Nice new sig Airlift

Hehehe, this time it wasn't my server that went down, it's on Hijinks. And he just renewed for another year with his host :eek: :eek:

EDIT> AHA! His DNS is borked, and my sig should be ok now that I circumvented the domain name with the IP address... I hope