View Full Version : types of squads

2003-02-04, 08:49 PM
What kind of squad do u think will be the most effective in PS?

I know this is as general as a queston u can get, but im curous to what people are going to try to set up "squad wise"?

2003-02-04, 08:51 PM
1 commander
9 grunts


2003-02-04, 08:52 PM
hell, works for me :)

2003-02-04, 08:52 PM
I will always be a grunt. i think i would be too lazy to command even 9 guys.

2003-02-04, 08:54 PM
i thnk theres going to be way to many commanders, but as usaul, i'll probably be wrong

2003-02-04, 08:55 PM
10 snipers
5 AV MAXes
5 AA MAXes;)

2003-02-04, 08:57 PM
besides, what i was trying to ask was "what are any commanders planning on specializing thier squad in?"

2003-02-04, 08:57 PM
5 skeeters, 5 reavers, and a few galaxies. This would make more of an Airborne platoon that dropzoned every base in sight.

2003-02-04, 08:59 PM
not a bad idia firemonkey, even though i hate snipers, hmm, that brings something else up, i though a commander could only command a squad of 10 people, including himself

2003-02-04, 09:00 PM
If somehow i would be commanding a squad, i would be hit and run with 9 other threshers. best part about them is that they can strafe(i think).

2003-02-04, 09:00 PM
as far as i can tell ...there are the

Brute force squads - blow anything up that gets in the way and never even think about sneaking around

Sneaky Sneaky squads - infils and the like sneaking around causing havok.

Maintainance squads - Doing the ANT runs and keeping bases in order..

and finally theres the ever popular

Bored and looking for something to do squads - Random people band together and go do something just so they wont be bored. It doesnt matter what they do, as long as they do something.

2003-02-04, 09:02 PM
the last group includes me :D

2003-02-04, 09:04 PM
i do like the bored people squad. that would be me

2003-02-04, 09:07 PM
ya, me too, i'm in it for the klling, commandng is so over rated

2003-02-04, 09:09 PM
Damn motherf***ing straight.

2003-02-04, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Fire_Monkey
10 snipers
5 AV MAXes
5 AA MAXes;)
I hope Afex finds you with his grunts and lets loose a volley of death against you.:lol:

2003-02-04, 10:31 PM
For a squad of 10 people I would say... 2 medic/grunts, one armor repair/grunt, 2 snipers for support, 1 stealther with hacking ability, one Galaxy pilot/grunt (to transport them around), 2 maxs (AV, AA, and AI dependant on mission), and 1 reaver pilot for air support.

2003-02-04, 10:33 PM
Grunts all the way!! :rock:

2003-02-04, 11:44 PM
1 Commander, 1 Medic, 1 Engineer, 1 Sniper - Agile Armor

2 Rifleman/Rocketeer, 2 Rifleman/Grenadier - Med Armor

2 MAXs


2 Fire teams with a MAX, Rifleman/Rocketeer, and Rifleman/Grenadier each.

Rest of squad supports the 2 fire teams

Transport Modes:
1 Galaxy, 2 Deliverer, 1 Sunderer, or 10 Drop pods

Make variations based on mission. :ncrocks:

2003-02-05, 12:30 AM
Why have your support in Agile armor instead of Reinforced?

It has better armor.
It has more inventory space.
It holds more weapons.

2003-02-05, 08:19 AM

3 prowlers and a AA MAX

2003-02-05, 08:24 AM
I personally think every commander needs to be in MAX armor. There's not a good reason not to.

2003-02-05, 08:28 AM
The commander wants to do something else than be in a MAX?

good enough reason for me hehe

2003-02-05, 08:34 AM
Like die? I don't want my commander doing anything else than providing cover fire and staying alive. The commanders job is not to fight, but to win.

2003-02-05, 08:39 AM
Ah, key word you don't want him to... but if the commander wants to do something else and activly participate in the frontline fighting i guess thats not the commander for you.

Some commanders lead from the rear, some from the front...

and if the com dies... just revive the guy =P hehe

2003-02-05, 08:46 AM
TR weenies.

In the New Conglomerate, we lead from the front!:p

2003-02-05, 10:06 AM
My assumption is that MAXs will be targeted first with the enemy's best weapons. The workload in the MAX will be too high for a commander trying to understand the battle, issue commands, and set waypoints. You can fight or you can lead.

Of course everything is an assumption until the game comes out.

2003-02-05, 10:09 AM
I need a full platoon.

2 Infantry Squads, each:
- 2 MAX
- 6 Medium
- 1 Lightning Ground Support
- 1 Reaver Close Air Support

1 Motor Squad
- 2 Galaxy Pilots
- 6 Galaxy Gunners
- 2 Mosquito Wide Air Support

That'll cover defense, but I'm gonna need one more squad to support my AMS and a squad of Pathfinders to get my drop ships to their LZ. Since we're talking about 1 and 2/3s platoons, you may as well give me my Air Cavalry squad for second platoon, which would be 6 mosquitos, 4 reavers. If I have them, I would reallocate the Infantry-attached Reavers to additional rifles and swap the lightning out for a heavy assault buggy.

2003-02-05, 10:42 AM
10 man Squad

1 Commander
1 Co-commander
2 MAX - AV and AA or 2 AA
1 Medic/Engy - Adv Medical
1 Engy/Medic - Combat Engineering
1 Stealth hacker/sabotour - infil suit
1 Scout Sniper - more Scout than Sniper
2 Grunts with Punishers and AV/AA weapons

This gives you 2 fire teams of 5 and good firepower against most targets.

At least 1 should have Galaxy cert and IMHO everyone should have at least 1 air and 1 ground vehicle cert and either basic Medic or Repair.

2003-02-05, 01:12 PM
I think commanders should be in deliverers. Ample protections, spped and defense. Also, Platoon commanders should stay back while the squad commanders would go in with their squad IMO

2003-02-05, 05:14 PM
Airlift, we DO think alike, that is a beautiful construction of an air assault squadron. Personally, I would like to see the ultimate stealth PLATOON in action. They're all on wraiths.

8 Stealth Hacker/MAX pilot (if thats even possible, if not:(, just 4 Reinforced with AV weapons and 4 Reinforced with AI weapons)
2 Stealth Repair/Medic

8 Stealth Hacker/ Reinforced Grunts with AI weapons
2 Stealth Hacker/ Reinforced Medics

5 Stealth Hacker/Lightning Driver or Reaver Pilot
5 Stealth Engineers/Hackers

Basically, they all try to sneak in at staggering times and hack into consoles to change to other setup. This way you nearly completely bypass defenses. This group by itself would get bases to always have lots of people using Darklight.

That would be a VERY interesting base assault. :D If I were defending, I would crap my pants when this stuff starts goin' down. :sick:

2003-02-05, 05:16 PM
Do you mean they hsave the certs to be s"stealth" or be stealth while in the other armor?

2003-02-05, 05:20 PM
I'm getting tired of preparing squads, planning assults, suggesting ideas, just wanna play the damn game! arg can not wait any longer w/o dying.;)

2003-02-05, 05:30 PM
Only 10 'eh?
I'll take 6 fully load galaxies, (HOT DROPS! ):rock:
Along with 4 reavers for further air support once all of those 60 soilders disembark to smear your base into sticky goo.

2003-02-05, 05:37 PM
I was talking about the certs. I am assuming that it would take a bit to be a MAX. Of course most of the rest of the squad would have to be quite high level as well.

2003-02-05, 05:39 PM
I think a squad should stick together in loose formation. It should have 2 AV guys in whatever type of armor they want, 1 AA guy in armor of choice 2 MAX's and the rest just reg grunts. Also i think commanders should either stay in a command vehicle like a transport or stay just behind the lines. You cant issue orders unless you can see whats happening at the front.

TR commanders lead from example

2003-02-05, 05:52 PM
Airlift, we DO think alike, that is a beautiful construction of an air assault squadron.

Keep that in mind then, cos I pulled it straight from my outfit plan and we intend to follow that once the game starts. We aren't recruiting yet because we haven't picked an empire. That decision will be made as soon as we get into the beta.

P.S. :wantbeta: :wantbeta: :wantbeta:

2003-02-06, 01:19 PM
i'm going with a close quarters squad,

3 Anti-infantry Maxes
3 Medics
2 Armor reapairs
2 Hackers

With the exception of the maxes, my all grunts will have jackhammers and granades, but i might throw a thumper or two in.

2003-02-06, 01:58 PM
Invisioned in my mind is multiple squads working together so you have a bunch of specialty tatics working at the same time.

For example, a brute forced "gun ho" squad would lead the attack while a sniping squad along with airborn and tank squads could cover them from the rear. The stealth armed squads could sneak in to hack a compound while the previous ones are creating a rucuss outside.

The only downfall with this is it would take forever to organize such an attack and probably alot of people would just rather take there chances and run in chaoticaly

Alone we are lethal. Together we are gods.

2003-02-06, 02:08 PM
And that Deadlock, is why the best outfits will support 90 to 120 active members that can be organized a few days ahead for MASS assualts. ;]

2003-02-17, 09:56 PM
Well, aside from the types of squads this is what id choose:

Base assualt:
2 Max - AI and AA
1 Medic in Agile or higher(secondary grunt)
1 Engineer " " " "
6 General Infantry.

Each max, along with ammo carries a REK. This becuase they are the most likly to last, and can give to any other survivors to hack base/consoles. Infantry all focus on AI, but carry atleast some AP rounds and grenades. Between AA max and AP rounds/grenades, vechs shouldnt be a problem, but all should be able to fight indoors as well, thus not burdening your squad with members that can not fend for themselves if needed.

2 Max - AI
2 gunners on walls - AV
1 medic
1 Eng
2 AA infantry
2 AI infantry

Main problem in defense will not be ground vechs, so two gunners should be able to keep these vechs out of the way as well as provide cover fire. AA infantry and gunners will focus on dropships and airsupport, as this will be where reinforcements and suprise attacks are likely to come. All AI are there for one purpose, make the enemy pay for each room it takes. Each member should have one grenade atleast,so after a room is taken it can be naded. This should be enough to hold for reinforcements.

In both cases, having more then ten people would help, but id keep each squad in these forms, with the possible exception of AA as im not sure how well this will work in game. Might add more or scratch them completly, who knows? Besides, not sure how much good a NC AA max will be indoors.

HRR Raven
2003-02-17, 11:48 PM
I think what most people in this thread have missed is that allocating someone to simply a medic role is missing the point. The point with certs is that at high levels almost all of your infantry can have a few points in medic, so that they may be able to heal/ressurect. And, if someone is that specialist, they'll still be carrying as many weapons as the other guys. Most certs aren't used in one config, they're there for versatility later on. So, everyone should have light/medium/inf armor, medium assault, anti-vehic, and medic. Then, you have enough points left to have everyone have ATV's, and a few guys piloting each vehicle. So, in essence, your squad can do anything, with everyone also being able to be a deadly soldier.

2003-02-18, 12:22 PM
8 reavers, 2 mosquitos. ASSAULT wing. CAP (combat air patrol). Blow Stuff Up.

This group would be a great hunter-killer when trying to take down Galaxies. They'd also be invaluable to other commanders.


A sprinkling of engineering certs would be good too... but everyone's main job boils down to "Make stuff go boom".

With each continent's "top 10 battles" list, it should be fairly simple to find a target worth of the kind of firepower 8 reavers can deliver. And with the sensor info provided by the mosquitos, we'll know exactly where to go.

Got a tank squad giving you greif? Consider them killed.

A whole platoon of drop pods just came down outside your SOI? Give me a call.

Spotted a couple galaxies leaving a warp bubble? I'm gonna LOVE smoking those galaxies. I wonder how much BEP a fully loaded galaxy will be worth? Two words for ya:




2003-02-18, 01:36 PM
What's currently in my outfit:

6 Reinforced armors
-One medic
-One engineer
-Four grunts

-Depends on the mission

Thresher (Two crew)
-Some extra medic and engy stuff and ammo for the turret

Galaxy (One crew currently)
-Pilot, me.