View Full Version : When You take a Base You will...

2003-02-06, 10:09 PM
You are commanding a single platoon that takes an objective. You are not working as part of a bigger operation, and friendly traffic in continent is thin. Enemy traffic is evenly dispersed among empires, but you don't have any specific intel on movements or buildups.

What are you going to do next?

2003-02-06, 10:12 PM
I will dance in circles until I pass out.

2003-02-06, 10:22 PM
Depends on who I'm playing with and the level of opposition I expect to encounter.

Personally, I'm more of a defensive player, so I would be inclined to set up a area defense with a couple of people patroling the area keeping an eye out for the enemy. But if we took that base with fairly little resistance and had little opposition in getting to the base, we'd probably press on it the next one. If no one is likely to attack soon, I don't want my men to be bored. We are playing a game to have a good time after all.

But if the people I'm playing with are leaning towards one way or the other, I will probably go with their opinion in this instance. If I'm playing with people like Nav, we'll charge forward to the next base. If I'm commanding a group who loves to setup defenses and mine and snipe people, then we'll stay at the base. Since we are not part of a larger operation, the enjoyment of my platoon is the highest priority as far as I'm concerned.

2003-02-06, 10:28 PM
hmm mistled is one cool dude;) I will defend the exterior, snipe people as they come to attack or just run around and then if no-one comes, move on w/ my outfit.

2003-02-06, 10:34 PM
For me it all depends on the number of forces I have under my command, opposition in the area and whether or not another base is near-by.

If the area is fairly clear, I would probably leave a small force to stay on d inside the base(under the command of one of my officers until reserves arrive) and make my way to another base. If I feel the base could be vulnerable to a counter-attack I would dedicate my forces to defending said base.

It depends on alot of factors really.

2003-02-06, 10:53 PM
Leave the platoon and go scout around for any forces gathering to retaliate.

2003-02-06, 10:56 PM
I'd stay there, and while we're all healing and repairing, I'd get one victum - er volunteer to get on the fastest damn vehicle around and haul ass to the enemy base. Find them, relay their coordinates, and just piss em all off, while the rest of us booked ass to his local to kick the shit out of those guys. Then we'd take that base too, 'till they didn't have any more places to spawn. Gotta take the fight to them ya know.

Where's the best place to kill a man?

At his front door.

Edit: Hey sandy, you wanna be my scout ;)

2003-02-06, 11:38 PM
Sure thing, I love pissing people off, and I'm good at surviveing those kinds of situations. :D

If they get headshots in the game, I'll be you're victem.

2003-02-06, 11:44 PM
There's a plan if I've ever heard one.

2003-02-07, 12:13 AM
I hate fighting the same battle twice. If I just took a place it should stay taken, since Im already at the next place, and the frontline is nowhere near that place anymore.

It is as simple as this,
�In case of doubt, attack.�
(patton, the best general of all time)

As long as your pushing the enemy they have no choice but to react to your moves. Once you go on the defensive, you let the enemy decide where and when to fight the battles. That is not good. You must keep pushing them.

Remember, your troops are tired, broken, hungry, low on supplies, and low in numbers, but so long as you keep pushing them, the enemy will be even more tired, more broken, hungrier, lower on supplies, and lower in numbers. Don�t let up, not for a second. It is easy to go defensive, but once you do you are lost. They will take your ground bit by bit, you must not let that happen, you must attack them day and night, give them no rest, no time to soften their guard, no time to get ammo, no time. attack.

"In war the only sure defense is offense, and the efficiency of the offense depends on the warlike souls of those conducting it."

You can not win a battle by defending, it is just a matter of time before you lose. The enemy will be able to go around you if need be, to keep on bringing wave after wave in, and to wear you down, inch by inch, foot by foot, you will lose the stronghold.

�Fixed fortifications are monuments to man's stupidity.�

So, go ahead and defend your forts, for I am coming, and with me, the vengeance of an army.


Ohhhh i like how that sounds... I think ill put some of that on my site under our basic strategy =) yep, Life is good. :D

2003-02-07, 01:35 AM
One squad, mostly my defensive guys (your minelayers and such), would garrison the base, one squad would actively patrol the area around our base and make sure the defensive guys don't get caught with their pants down and the third squad would start probing attacks on the nearest enemy base to see if we can start some fighting and draw the enemy into sieging our base. Once they start throwing themselves against the gates, everyone comes back home and we let them smash themselves against the walls. This game is supposed to be about fun, and theres nothing more fun to me then fighting on my own doorstep, trying to see how long i can keep the enemy away from the Jugular. Seriously, if the continent is mainly enemy held territory, when we log on tommorow we can be almost assured that the base will be lost, so we might as well have some fun as we can and leach as much enemy manpower as possible.

2003-02-07, 06:41 AM
This is a good post. Has anyone mentioned the possibility of bonus BEPs to people that defend? Squads that are out collecting BEPs would probably be more inclined to grab a base, rearm and rush on to the next one to keep feeding themselves BEPs

2003-02-07, 06:55 AM
I've got to go to work but I thought5 I would just say I like the way this poll is going. It's encouraging to see that there are going to be so many styles of play going on... will make for a great experience I think

2003-02-07, 08:00 AM
Has anyone mentioned the possibility of bonus BEPs to people that defend?

Part of the reason I made the poll was for this reason exactly. It seems to me that you get BEP for killing on the attack or defensive, but in order to get CEP, you must cap a base. Therefore, it is generally in the squad leaders' best interest to cap and move on. Further, you also get a BEP reward for capping, but is there a corresponding reward for holding?

In my estimate, the only reasons to defend are strategic, and deal with maintaining a foothold on a continent and/or keeping services running.

2003-02-07, 08:50 AM
I would deploy the sigbot for a search and destroy mission.

2003-02-07, 09:33 AM
put mines and turrets around the gen and hacking station and leave to go snipe some more.

2003-02-07, 09:46 AM
Throw up a layered Defense (mines, turrets, patrols, etc) and send a scout to the nearest 2 bases to check on their Defenses. Call for re-inforcement to hold what we got.

If one bases D is lacking and no signs of counter-attack coming we attack that base leveling maybe 1-2 guys behind to hold the base until we can get back if it is attacked.

If both bases look weak we attack one and tell others in our Empire about the other one so that they can atack it.

2003-02-07, 09:56 AM
From the screenshots the bases look pretty big, I don't think just one squad could defend it properly. I think you would need to brief the losing installation (being the one you just left) that the gaining installatioin (being the one you just sieged) is now friendly controlled, and to feel free to advance. Once other squads start moving in, you could roll out. Who wants to spend three hours killing and maiming to gain some territory, just to piss it away because they left to quick. Also, I see bases as being the HQ for some of the bigger outfits. "The (insert outfit of your choice here), are based out of Ft. X located on the continent of Y". Anybody with me on that?

2003-02-07, 10:06 AM
oh ya, i can see some bases being the hqs of some large outfits as well, or even small outfits sharing a home, etc... =) That is a very good point, and I haven�t thought of that, but now that you mentioned it, it makes a lot of sense =) Not that the outfit will always coordinate form there, but some sorta nostalgia to it, to defend/assault it over the rest, or a log on meeting spot, etc. I can see that happening =)

2003-02-07, 10:11 AM
I think as time goes on certain Outfits (Clans/Guilds) will 'claim' a base as their main HQ. IMHO this will happen so that people will know where to find them to either join them or just cause they like to play with them.

Heck if the game is around long enough (at it probably will be) you might see the bigger Outfits (100+ people) 'claim' entire continants.

I think it would be cool if there was some in-game way to 'claim' a base, even if all it did was put your Outfit's logo on the base's flags and stuff.

2003-02-07, 10:13 AM
i would say leave 3/4 of the soldiers at the base and move on with the rest of them. lets be hoping that the 1/4 of the troops meet up with some other troops.

2003-02-07, 04:14 PM
I think outfits claming bases is a double edged sword. If your in that crew, then you always have a place to hang your hat. You know, a place to regroup. However, I think outlaw clans (especially that have been together for awhile) may be assholes about it. Going as far as treating it as an "off-limits" for folks outside the outfit. I'm guessing that could cause some stigma. Something else I've been thinking about is "provisional" outfits. Kind of like a Joint Task Force in the military. An armor heavy outfit teaming up with a air assasult outfit, for the purpose of single or multiple attacks against a base or series of bases. The only way to do it right, would be temporarily merge the two outfits under one flag, for command and control porposes. Anybody got a take on that?

By the way Maddog, you have got a good point. However, I think you would need one helluva an outfit to claim a continent. Sturmgrenidier (spelling?) Is claming 450+ active members, and are all ready siding with the New Conglomerate (although judging by the politics I'd say they would be more comfortable in the Empire). Anyway, with a 450 man unit, I think they would have trouble claming a continent as home. Can you imagine the flack they would take from other empires. They would be first on my "Groups to Overrun" List. This however, would be a great reason to from a provisional outfit.