View Full Version : Informal poll: Best info from AGN shoutcast (other than beta)?

2003-02-08, 08:09 AM
My personal favorite info from last night was the absolute confirmation of NO HEADSHOTS. A close runner up: alt-tabbing, since it caused alot of heated discussion on hacking on some of the boards...

2003-02-08, 08:18 AM
I was really happy. I got all 3 of my q's answered, plus one I put in the lounge. Go me! You guys remember the boating quote that stung a little - that was me. Heehee.

2003-02-08, 09:06 AM
All 3 of my questions were asked too..hehehehe

2003-02-08, 09:25 AM
i missed it, what all did they anounce?

2003-02-08, 09:26 AM
The fact that Vanu weapons only need to use 1 type of ammo (energy cells) for both AP and normal rounds.

2003-02-08, 12:14 PM
What? no headshot, i was listening and i thought it was headshots on ppl, but no area damage on vehicles...

they said headshots were in a loooooooong time ago

2003-02-08, 12:16 PM
hehe, i had forgotten my 3 questions, but i'm pretty sure i asked the one about vanu max's jump jets

2003-02-08, 12:24 PM
also, i had been planning to play on the snowy continent (don't know name, sorry) because for some reason i just like snowy type of maps. when i heard about what the terrain was going to be like (hairpin turns on mtn's, frozen plains, etc.) i was pretty happy. i also like desert continent's description.

but overall, all of the terrain types sound very cool, though i couldn't hear the lava type very well, something about bubbles. so i'll have to listen to that part again when they post a d/l link.

2003-02-08, 12:28 PM
what happened at the interview????????????????:confused:

2003-02-08, 12:33 PM
The best information for me, was that they are going to do another Beta Sign-up for the open-beta. Followed of course, by the ability to alt + tab in the game.

2003-02-08, 12:36 PM