View Full Version : Planetside fan fiction

2003-02-08, 11:07 AM
i just posted some fan fiction in the main planetside boards

the story is here (http://boards.station.sony.com/ubb/planetside/Forum2/HTML/002500.html)

you can leave comments here or on the story topic at the main boards

if this is in the wrong Forum iam sorry

2003-02-08, 12:10 PM
Great story, and would love to see more come in the future! I especially liked the great amount of detail put into it. The part where the missles locked on and all was great :D Kudos for you.

2003-02-08, 12:55 PM
thanks i am working on a couple of others

2003-02-08, 01:27 PM
heh I'm sick like that too. Except I create a storyline for my clan, and then tack little stories onto players when I feel like it. It worked out well for Tribes DAF which had a small folloowing... the creator of the mod actually started setting up a tournament based off of the storyline and a tourny idea I had with it... Eh, well once I take the time to get ]GI[ hosted I'll undoubtably have the story done. This is what you get from RPing for months at a time on message boards. Heh, if you check the recruiting form I started writing an rp style recruitment message... i'm sick... oh so sick =)

2003-02-08, 05:24 PM
i would like hamma and some of the other staff to read it and post some comments please

2003-02-08, 05:45 PM
Damn good story mate. Keep 'em coming.:D

2003-02-08, 11:51 PM
Cool :D

2003-02-09, 03:21 AM