View Full Version : My Ideas

2003-02-10, 08:32 PM
Here are my ramblings/questions:

For CEPs, I think if a base is capped, all commanders in the bases SOI should get CEPs. This would give it to everyone who needs credit.

Also, this is a question. Does the AMP station still upgrade SOI?

I think you should be able to move items directly to a locker from an equipment terminal. An Agile Suit would have to make like 10 trips to fill up the locker. I also think your locker shouldn't be able to be hacked. I think it should just go over to another empire side (ex Vanu to NC) and let all Vanu characters use it as their locker until it was hacked back.

Ok, another question, this one is tricky. Say 10 guys are defending a base, they are TR. The power goes out, the base goes neutral. The 10 guys are lazy, and none of em want to ANT, so they just go fight on another continent. Say 10 VS guys escorting/driving an ANT come across this base. They scout it, and then they fill it up. Does it go to VS or TR? :confused:

Does a Chaingun use same ammo as Gauss Rifle or Suppressor?

Can you rotate the chainguns on Reaver and Skeeter?

How do you re-supply tanks/planes if they run low on missiles/rounds? Do they use ammo?

Whew that's a big list. Sorry bout that.