View Full Version : Undercover?

2003-02-11, 06:44 PM
Ive only read the boards/info ive seen the last few months so dont know some of the basics still. Go easy on me. :D

Will you be able to define friends from foe easily?

I think i remember reading that you can see the persons name (above their head?) and with an implant can see their Outfit, health, armor, etc. (Might even be completely different game, not sure)

Something like that has both good and bad sides. A bad effect would be seeing a string of letters crawling through some grass (BF1942'ish) while a good part would be seeing health/armor stats and developing inter-empire relationships. (<insert feared Outfit here> are coming. Better shoot ourselves now.)

The main question : Can you easily see if a vehicle is a friend or foe?

All vehicles, even commom pool, are color-designed for their empire (from what ive seen, anyways) so jacking an enemy vehicle would usually only come into play if you need a ride. Stealing an enemy vehicle wouldnt serve alot of purpose aside from getting that fuzzy feeling watching that sniper run around looking for his skeeter while your friend the MAX bounded towards him joyfully.

If you cant see names in vehicles or you can only see names well at close range most people would just rely on what color the vehicles were. Jacking an enemy Galaxy would be extremely rare, obviously, so people wouldnt expect one of their own Galaxies to land outside their base and unload over a squad of enemy troops well behind the 'front lines'.

I personally think something like that would add some spice to the game every now and then, and would make it so you always have to double check any allies you come across ... 'just in case'. :devilwink

2003-02-11, 06:47 PM
sorry man, the way I understand it, once you jack a vehicle, it switches to your empire's color.

2003-02-11, 06:52 PM
Aawww .. not cool. :chomp:

2003-02-11, 07:01 PM
Yes it is, Us Vanu want our Vehicles good and purple.

2003-02-11, 07:05 PM
Why not share the wealth of purple-ness with the other poor, mislead empires, hmm? Surely letting them drive around in a hot purple vehicle will change their opinion of homo -- err, the Vanu.


2003-02-11, 07:33 PM
OOH!! HE DISSED THE VANU!! :vssucks:

2003-02-11, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}mistled
sorry man, the way I understand it, once you jack a vehicle, it switches to your empire's color.

the "your empire's color" part did it for me. lol

2003-02-11, 07:38 PM
If I was caught driving that ugly pink reaver in your sig, Kyonye, I would nade myself. No offense, I just don't like Vanu and their Pink & Purple crap. :vssucks:

2003-02-11, 07:47 PM
I thought their colors were purple and blueish green? The Vanu in the screenshots I've seen are mostly a sweet looking green color with splotches of purple, but I'm pretty sure those are the rank 20 characters.

2003-02-11, 07:50 PM
Vanu seem purple and black to me with a little pink

2003-02-11, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Flameseeker
If I was caught driving that ugly pink reaver in your sig, Kyonye, I would nade myself. No offense, I just don't like Vanu and their Pink & Purple crap. :vssucks:

Understandable. hopefully i'm getting a new sig. we all hate eachother anyway so it really doesn't bother me.

2003-02-11, 07:56 PM
I personally think black and gold is the best color scheme of all time. I think that'd look really nice on a Vanu stealth suit.

But seriously, if someone jacked an empire specific item and it changed color, that would suck. That would sap a good chunk of fun out of the whole act of stealing something from someone.

2003-02-11, 08:00 PM
Weapons don't change color, just vehicles. I mean, the enemy knows your vehicle is an enemy unless he is a total....Good point, there are a lot of those out there. ;) I believe there is a picture of an NC Medium pointing a purplish Beamer at a warp gate. Also, Kyonye, I doesn't hate nobody. Except Hoss and Platy, they are trolls. :love: to all besides them! But, :vssucks:.

2003-02-11, 08:06 PM
i don't see any pink in the vanu stuff it was probably the light that made the reaver look pink.

2003-02-11, 08:07 PM
Yeah, I bet from far away it'd be pretty hard to tell someone was from a different empire (changing crosshair or not) if they were in a vehicle that was your empire's colors. That'd be such a great moment..."sweet, here comes a buggy to give me a ride <KERTHUNK>"

2003-02-11, 08:24 PM
Well... I don't know about that.
If crosshair turns red(or whatever it'll be ;) ) , shoot until the vehicle infront of you is turned into a smelly pulp.

2003-02-11, 08:26 PM
What if you don't have something big enough to bust the vehicle before it squishes you? That's why I think it'd be great without color switching...at least until some misguided friendlies blew you up.

2003-02-11, 09:02 PM
undercover brother?

2003-02-11, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Arshune
What if you don't have something big enough to bust the vehicle before it squishes you? That's why I think it'd be great without color switching...at least until some misguided friendlies blew you up.

That's when it's time to get out of the way, climb up a tree maybe? ;)

2003-02-12, 12:59 AM
Would deffinitly add some spice, imo. Of course, just occured to me : grief points. Trigger happy people, which will make a huge portion of the servers .... :rolleyes:

Just hope devs can think/have thought of a better way so vehicles dont have to change colors. :(

2003-02-12, 03:16 AM
hehe Arthell, I here ya, some of the pure RPG crowds might be a bit jumpy on that trigger finger.

Bob: Hey Frank!!!
Frank: AHHH!! ::BLAM:
Bob: OW

edit: typo:)

2003-02-12, 05:19 AM
Everyone seems to forget about alittle thing called r-a-d-a-r lol. If i see a big old galaxy comin at me with a red blip on my radar comin with it, i dun care what color it is.


2003-02-12, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by TheGreatCarbini
[B]hehe Arthell, I here ya, some of the pure RPG crowds might be a bit jumpy on that trigger finger.

Bob: Hey Frank!!!
Frank: AHHH!! ::BLAM:
Bob: OW

hehehehe, I'm a part of the RPG crowd.... well not so much more nowadays. But it shows in my "ARG! there's a person I don't know, what do I do?!?! ~BANG!~" kinda mentality sometimes.

2003-02-12, 06:44 AM
Sadley, the undercover aspect of the game was removed with the changing of colors when you "jack" a enemy vehicle..

Personally, I think you should have to take it to a bay or something to that nature to get the colors changed over, but some would ask "Why Diego, what would cause someone to change colors if they could go undercover in a enemy base?" Good question, your own team.

If your own team sees this Vanu-Covered Reaver and don't know your in it, just shoot you down, thats a bad thing. One: You die, Two: you loose the vehicle, Three: Team-Mate gets Grief Points

So, capping a vehicle to get you out of whatever hole your in is good for the time, then jet to a base, change the colors and tell as many people as possible without being shot down.

But what I said is rendered useless because its not like that in the game, although it should be.

2003-02-12, 06:48 AM
Originally posted by [sF]Diego
Three: Team-Mate gets Grief Points

Unfortunately, with the grief system in place, there are a lot of people who would use this instead of team killing in order to disrupt other player's games. By tricking them in to killing them they force grief points on em. another reason it's not gonna happen.

I can't remember which game it was, but there was a similar system, and people would make their teammates kill em just cos. :( :P

2003-02-12, 06:53 AM
Exactly, thats what I was thinking as I wrote it.

The sad thing is every game will be like that, and there is nothing you, or anyone for that matter, can do about it.

Thats where SOE hires 24/7 Admins to watch for that stuff, and just ban the people.

The banning system for this game is the best by far. I really look forward to llamas and trolls being perma-banned in the game, and making them have to go buy a second, third, or fourth copy, heh.. :)

2003-02-12, 06:54 AM

2003-02-12, 08:12 AM
Please tell me you cant get perma-banned?! IF so thats fine but i hope it takes ALOT of greif points to get this abn cuz i mean every now and then a nade slips and a fw friendlys end up as catsup so to speak

2003-02-12, 09:07 AM
Perma-ban is very difficult. After you get X grief points 2-3 times, they give you a weapons/throttle lock for as many game minutes as the amount of damage you did. So, if you are at weapons lock level, I advise you to log off and chill for a while, then get back on and watch out for friendlies.

2003-02-12, 01:36 PM
An example of perma-ban:

1: Gun all friendlies until you get weapon lock and 10% Speed Reduction

2: Get in vechs. and crash into people killing them that way

3: Then suicide full galaxies

Thats TRYING to get Perm-Banned, and I'm not sure if that does it, but it could. Its very hard to get perma-banned. But the Perma-Ban is primarlly for the cheaters/hackers in the game, not so much the llamas.

2003-02-12, 03:36 PM
As far as i know, the most detailed info on the greif system came from last octobers dev chat .


2003-02-12, 06:17 PM
Even the system BF1942 has would be better than knowing whether a vehicle is on your team or not instantly. I cant remember the number of times ive flew by an enemy that was in one of my teams bombers, just taking a quick glance at the plane. (and usually kicking myself after checking the radar. :D )

What i wouldnt mind knowing is how you notice players in PS right now, whether an allie has his name over his head all the time, only within a certain range, only if you target them, etc.

I wouldnt mind the system where you have to aim at a vehicle/person and a name in the persons main empire color showed up. Atleast in that system it would provide an easy way to check to see if people are enemies without doing that quick spray-paint job on a jacked vehicle. You could also kick yourself if you start shooting a friendly jacked vehicle since the name would show up under the crosshairs and would be hard to miss.

On a side note : a heal applicator that removes grief points from you by healing the selected ally for a certain amount of armor/health and reducing you to low health/armor/stamina (1-10) or killing you?

Edit : (Accidentally beating up a MAX in a firefight so you use the 'grief healer', restoring a very small fraction/half of the damage you did to the MAX and effectivly taking you out of the battle.

Could have it kill you without being able to be revived, only use the applicator on a target you have grief points against, etc.