View Full Version : Low-end machine?

2003-02-12, 09:45 AM
In light of the recent announcement on lowering min specs, i started to ask myself....will i be able to play this game? So i decided to ask you guys to get some feedback:

What do you consider a low end gaming machine by today's standards?

I have a P4 2.4Gig, 256 DDR Ram, 32Meg Radeon Vid. Do you guys consider 256MB Ram and/or 32MB video good, iffy, or so low as to be the bare minimum for gaming?

2003-02-12, 09:54 AM
Get a 128mb card (64 will be useless in 6 months or more) and get 215mb more ram and you will be awesome. a nice sound card wouldnt hurt either

2003-02-12, 09:55 AM
256 RAM is quite alright... but it could be, and should be better to run higher-end games. No one wants to dish out much cash, so pulling out a gig of ram isnt necessary either. 512 RAM Is the way to go to have a very good gaming experience.

As for graphics cards, games are becoming more and more demanding, so better games require better cards. I don't know if you'll be able to cut it with 32 MB, because it might not be able to handle all the textures as well as explosions that will be occuring simultaneously in PS. You can, ofcourse, tone down graphics settings.

I feel that setting a game to lower graphics settings doesn't give you the full picture. You'll get the adrenaline that comes with the game, but not the satisfaction of seeing excellent graphics on your screen.

I'm running on P4 2.53, 512 RAM, Radeon 9700 PRo @ 128MB. While it's not the best that's out there, it's hella good. I reccomend looking for stuff in this range for minimal expenses.

2003-02-12, 10:01 AM
RAM is ok, i agree on the VPU though,the 9700 is the best bet out there right now. :)

More RAM wouldn't hurt but min is 256 (i'm guessing SDRAM :)) so...