View Full Version : Timeline and Empires

2011-07-16, 02:18 PM
I've been looking at a few of the recently released pictures here on the PSU site and one in particular caught my attention.


Although it's concept art and not actually in game, it may give some insight into a few things.

1. The Large Cruiser

Since there is another thread which goes into detail speculating its intent or purpose, I'd just like to suggest the idea that it may just represent something. Which is the time Planetside 2 may be taking place.

Stated by Matt in those recent videos regarding PS2s' timeline and the "re-imagining" of PS1, it may very well be that Planetside 2 will take place shortly or immediately after the fracture of the Terran Republic into three groups.

Considering that, these large craft may be remnants of the fleet which discovered Auraxis. The use in the concept art, along with other features, gives that sense at least to me.

2. The Ruined City

Upon discovering Auraxis, colonization took place. With abundant resources in the planet, a space faring species who have mastered the science of FTL travel would probably have little difficulty colonizing in a short period of time.

Unable to travel home, it's very logical these people would settle as best they could in a relatively unknown enviorment.

Also the city and it's proximity to another item which I'll talk about next lends credit to the idea of recent colonization, which is..

3. Warpgate Struts

Upon discovering Auraxis, there was much left over technology yet to be understood by the Terran Republic. Judging by the concept art, this warpgate in particular doesn't appear to be functional. Now, weither that was simply an artistic choice, ie. the person drawing this simply didn't draw some type of bubble or effect similar to warpgates in PS1 or the intent of the artist was to capture the concept of it being inactive isn't known.

It's the idea that being militaristic but also scientific (TR) it would seem very reasonable that they would colonize near or around this unknown technology, considering it's part of their mission, but also the ease of research simply due to close proximity.

This at least appears to say a few things to me, the best time for dissension and fracture of the TR is explained well in this picture.

TR leaders attempting to make what they think are the best choices for their colonies but also trying to maintain military rights in an unknown world. This is bound to spawn dissension, those who go against the grain for the better of their peers, the freedom fighters, NC.

While you have the scientists, researchers. The ones discovering this new technology and not given the resources and time they feel they need to study it and perhaps find new insight on a way to get home. Distain for stagnant/archaic behavior, success through science and reason, followers of new technology, the VS.

So perhaps the future goals of PS2 is to allow the players to really shape Auraxis future, sandbox elements and tools would allow us to do just that. We start at the pinacle of dissension between the groups and let us choose how the war unfolds.

This is all a matter of opinion on a forum for discussion so please don't critique my ideas with a fine tooth comb as if I had some stake in development on PS2.

2011-07-16, 04:34 PM
Interesting read, thanks :)

I hope you're right about the timeline thing it sounds pretty cool.

2011-07-16, 06:29 PM
The only time anything interesting happens in the Auraxis story is during the initial stages of the colonization. After that it just an endless battle. So If they are planning on expanding the story, lets hope it's from this part.

2011-07-17, 12:24 AM
The other concept art give this impression, aside from the cruiser, as well. One appears to feature a very scientific looking outpost near warpgate struts.